January 15, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Public Comment
II. Informational Items
II.A. Video Presentation: School Board Appreciation Month
II.B. Principal Report
II.C. Superintendent Report
III. Consent Agenda (at the request of a trustee, any item may be removed from the consent agenda to consider separately.)
III.A. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting - December 4, 2018
III.B. Business Office Financial Reports - November 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018**
IV. Action Items
IV.A. Consider and if appropriate, approve 2017-18 Financial Audit Report presented by Cook, Parker P. L.L.C.
IV.B. Consider and if appropriate, approve increasing Bi-lingual teacher certification stipend from 2,000 to 5,000.
In a effort to secure Bi-lingual teachers, I suggest we increase the stipend.
IV.C. Consider and if appropriate, approve cafeteria adult meal prices.
We need to recalculate our adult meal prices since we are CEP, (Community Eligibility Provision). WE need to raise Adult Lunch to $3.75 and Adult Breakfast to $2.25.
IV.D. Consider and if appropriate, approve increase in IDEA B Formula and IDEA B Pre-school funding.
We received and increase in Federal IDEA funding with 1,905 of IDEA Formula funding into teacher salaries and 20.00 of IDEA Pre-school into supplies and materials.
IV.E. Consider and if appropriate, approve Parent and Family Engagement Policy update:
Schools that receive Title 1 Part A funding are required to pass a Campus Parent and Family Engagement Policy: Only dates and names have been changed to existing policy that is on our website.
IV.F. Consider and if appropriate, approve 2017-18 TAPR Report
As required by TEA's Department of Assessment and Accountability, Ehrhart's 2017-18 Texas Academic Performance Report of TAPR, must be presented in a public meeting no more than 90 days after the release of final scores. Copies of the report must be made available to the public as well s posting it on the school web site.
V. Personnel/Legal
This portion of the meeting may be closed to all but essential personnel as deemed necessary by the Board in accordance with the open Meetings Act, Section 551.074 et. Seq., Texas Government Code.
V.A. Board Workshop