January 13, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
4. Consent Action Items
4.A. Deliberation and Possible Action Regarding the Minutes from the December 9, 2024, regular schedule board meeting.
5. Action Items
5.A. Deliberation and Possible Action regarding the October 2024, November 2024, and December 2024 Financial Statements
5.B. Deliberation and Possible Action Regarding the Annual Performance Report/Annual Financial Audit Report for the 2023-2024 school Year presented by Kim Barrington of Bennett, Bennett, & Trice PLLC Certified Public Accountants, Lamesa, TX.
5.C. Deliberation and Possible Action regarding Budget Amendments for the following General Fund Items: Function 11-Curriculum and Instruction; Function 31-Counselors; Function 36-Extracurricular Activities; and Function 81-Buildings & Facilities; and Function 41-General Administration.
5.D. Deliberation and Possible Action Regarding Intent to Purchase a 2024 Blue Bird Seventy-one Seat passenger bus for the transportation Department in Accordance with a BuyBoard Bid #722-23.
5.E. Deliberation and Possible Action Regarding Replacing and Installing a New Intercom/Bell Schedule System at the Carr Middle School in Accordance with The Interlocal Purchasing System ("TIPS").
5.F. Deliberation and Possible Action Regarding Replacing Five (5), Single, Exterior Doors with Electrified Hardware at the Carr Middle School in Accordance with The Interlocal Purchasing System ("TIPS") Bid Submitted by CC3 Construction Consultants.
5.G. Deliberation and Possible Action Regarding the Gifted/Talented Board Training and Board Policy as Required by the Texas Education Code(s) ("TEC") 29.122, 29.123, 39.236, 48.109, and the Texas Administrative Code(s) ("TAC") 89.1, 89.2, 89.3, 89.4, and 89.5.
5.H. Deliberation and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution that Accomplishes the Following:
5.H.1. Approves the settlement of pending litigation style region 17 Education 17 Education Service Center et al v. Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC, in the 72nd District Court of Lubbock, County, Cause No. DE-2022-CV-160; and
5.H.2. Authorizes the District's Superintendent and Representative of the Region 17 Education Service Center, acting as fiscal agent for the Region 17 Information Network, to take any and all action necessary and execute any and all documents required to enter into and effectuate the settlement agreement in such litigation.
5.I. Deliberation and Possible Action to Order a General Election of two (2) at-large trustees positions to be held on May 3, 2025.
Deliberaccion una possible action para ordenar una Eleccion General dos (2) prestos de sindico general el 3 de mayo de 2025. |
5.J. Consider Board approval of the Notice and Order of General Election for Early Voting and for Election Day.
Considerar la aprobacion del Consejo del Aviso y la Orden de Convocatoria de elecciones generales para la vocation adelantada y para el dia de las elecciones. |
5.K. Consider and possible approval of a Resolution to have a joint election on May 3, 2025, with the City of Hale Center.
Considerar para su possible aprobacion la Resolucion para celebrar elecciones conjuntas con la ciudad de Hale Center el dia 3 mayo de 2025. |
5.L. Consider and possible approval of the Joint Election Agreement with the City of Hale Center.
Considerar para su possible aprobacion el Acuerdo de elecciones conjuntas con la ciudad de Hale Center. |
5.M. Consider and possible approval of Resolution to have a joint election on May 3, 2025, with Hale County.
Considerar para su possible aprobacion Resolucion para celebrar elecciones conjuntas con la Condado de Hale el dia 3 de mayo de 2025. |
5.N. Consider and possible approval of the Joint Election Agreement with Hale County.
Considerar para su posible aprobacion el Acuerdo de elecciones conjuntas con la Condada de Hale. |
5.O. Consider and possible approval to appoint Christine Reyna, Elections Administrator, to serve as Joint Elections Officer for Hale County.
Considerar y possible aprobacion para nombrar a Christine Reyna, Administradora de Elecciones, para que se desempene Como official de Elecciones Conjunta para el Condado de Hale. |
5.P. Consider and possible approval to appoint Christine Reyna, Elections Administrator, to serve as Joint Early Voting Clerk for Hale County.
Considerar y possible aprobacion para nombrar a Christine Reyna, Administradora de Elecciones, para que se desempene Como Secretaria de Votacion Anticipada Conjunta para el Condado de Hale |
5.Q. Deliberation and Possible Action Regarding Employing the District's Current Acting Superintendent for the 2025-2026 School Year in the Same Capacity.
6. Superintendent/Information Report
6.A. Personnel: Retirement(s), Resignations(s), Non-Contractual New Hire(s), and Change-in-Assignment(s).
7. Closed Session.
7.A. Consultation in Closed Session with District's Legal Counsel Under Texas Government Code §551.071 Concerning Settlement of Pending Litigation Styled region 17 Education Service Center et al v. Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC, in the 72nd District Court of Lubbock, County, Cause No. DC-2022-CV-1601.
7.B. Intruder Detection Summary Findings Presented Regarding Facility Access Control-TAC 61.1031(1-9) and Drafting a Corrective Action Plan in Compliance with Exterior Doors Audit.
7.C. Personnel Matters - Deliberation Regarding the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, and/or Other Duties of a Public Officer or Employee of the District Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code §551.074.
8. Adjourn