August 31, 2009 at 7:15 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Consent Action Items
2.A. Approval of addition to substitute list:Akaselly Calzada, Nicole Hensley, Kodi Hunter, Eva Ivins, Yvonne Rhoderick, Jason Rodriguez and Irene Valencia.
2.B. Approval of student tranfers:Dulce Escobar-CMS, J. Dylan Cash Garcia-Akin, Ivan Gonzales-HS, Monique Lucio-CMS, Grace Malcom-Akin, Hannah Malcom-CMS, Josiah Malcom-Akin, Nadia Rittenberry-CMS, Morgan Hibner-HS, Gage Hibner-CMS, and Katie Richmond-Akin.
3. Action Items
3.A. Consideration and approval of Budget Amendment #2 for the 2008-2009 school year.
3.B. Consideration and approval of Salary Schedule 09-10.
3.C. Consideration and approval of 2009-2010 Stipend Schedule.
3.D. Consideration and adoption of 2009-2010 proposed budget for Hale Center ISD as presented.
3.E. Consideration and adoption of 2009-2010 proposed Maintenance and Operation Tax Rate of 1.04 and a proposed I&S Tax Rate of 0.29460 as presented.
3.F. Consideration and approval of a $25,000 expense from fund balance to install new football stadium lights.
3.G. Consideration and approval of an additional $200,000 from fund balance for the HCHS building project.
3.H. Consideration and approval of 2009-2010 Performance Bonus for Administrators.
4. Adjourn