August 24, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Budget, Tax Rate, and Agenda Review
Agenda |
I. Call to Order.
I.A. Announcement by the chairman whether a quorum is present and that the meeting had been duly called, and that notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law.
II. Public Hearing on Budget and Tax Rate for 2015-2016 (Action Required August 24).
II.A. Open Public Hearing.
II.B. Receive public input concerning the 2015-2016 Proposed Budget and Proposed Tax Rate.
II.C. Close Public Hearing.
III. Statutory Action for 2015-2016 Fiscal Year (Action Required August 24).
III.A. Vote to Adopt 2015-2016 Budget.
Mrs. Irby
III.B. Vote to Adopt 2015-2016 Tax Rate.
Mrs. Irby
IV. First Order of Business (Consent Agenda) for September 14 Regular Meeting.
IV.A. The Board will consider accepting the July Financials.
Mrs. Irby
IV.B. The Board will consider approval of the Minutes of the August 3 Agenda Review, and the August 10 Regular Meeting.
Mr. Laird
V. Regular Agenda for September 14 Regular Meeting.
V.A. 2015 Accountability Report.
Dr. Ude / Mrs. Forehand
VI. Board Workshop.
VI.A. Technology Management Oversight Review for September 14 Regular Meeting.
Mrs. Owens
VII. Closed Session: A closed session may be held under the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 including but not limited to Section 551.071, Section 551.074, Section 551.076, and Section 551.082, and Section 551.0821.
VII.A. The Board will consider and deliberate Personnel employment, appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal. (Section 551.074)
VII.A.I. Teachers and Other Professional Employment Contracts.
VII.A.II. Acting, interim and/or permanent Superintendent.
VII.B. Consultation with Legal Counsel regarding Pending or Contemplated Litigation and/ or Privileged Legal Advice. (Section 551.071)
VII.C. The Board may discuss the value, exchange and/or disposition of real property.
VII.D. The Board may discuss matters of Safety and Security. (Section 551.076)
VII.E. The Board may discuss matters pertaining to Students necessarily involving personally identifiable information, e.g. Student Discipline. (Sections 551.082, 551.0821)
VIII. Reconvene from Closed Session; the Board may take action relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session.
VIII.A. The Board will consider approval of Personnel Recommendations.
VIII.A.I. Teachers, Principals, and Other Professional Employment contracts.
VIII.A.II. Acting, interim and/or permanent Superintendent.
VIII.B. Matters pertaining to Litigation, if any.
VIII.C. Matters pertaining to real property, if any.
VIII.D. Matters pertaining to Safety and Security, if any.
VIII.E. Matters pertaining to Students, if any.
IX. Board/Superintendent Announcements/Information.
IX.A. Superintendent's Report.
Dr. Young
X. Adjournment.