August 30, 2021 at 7:15 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order and establish a quorum.
II. Invocation
III. Approve minutes of previous meeting.
IV. Open Forum - Sign-in sheet and agenda are located in the Board Room. (Three to five minute time limit.)
V. Business Items: For information, discussion, and/or action items
V.A. Deliberation and Action Concerning Budget Amendments for 2020-2021.
V.B. Discuss and Approve Resolution for Designation of Fund Balance
V.C. Deliberation and Action on Extending the Property Insurance Contract with Property Casualty Alliance of Texas
V.D. Discussion and Approval of the Terms of Engagement for Audit Services
V.E. Consider and Approve the ESSER II Use of Funds Plan
V.F. Deliberation and Action to Approve the 2021-2022 Budget
V.G. Deliberation and Action to Set the M&O Tax Rate for 2021-2022 at $0.9181 per $100 Valuation
VI. Adjournment.