January 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call
Flag Salute
Presentation of fiscal year 23-24 financial audit by Odom & Patton (Courtney Odom).
Recognition of students: Tristen West, MacKenzie Milich, Caleb Gladd, & Logan Harris, for their accomplishments in achieving Solidworks Certification by Instructor Joshua English.
Presentation by Bulldog Bites sponsor, Stacy Robinson.
Presentation by the Intermediate staff members, Janet Crossan & Sara Ward, about the Move to Learn Fitness Forward grant and the High Dosage Tutoring.
Compliance Statement
Consent Agenda
Minutes of the regular meeting December 9, 2024.
Monthly financial report of activity fund
Financial Report/Superintendent's Report
Approve agenda as posted
Building Principal Update
Business Items
Approve purchase orders and encumbrances
General Fund Payroll #50341-50346
General Fund Goods and Services PO # 454-473 Totaling $67,485.00
Building Fund PO # 71 Totaling $10,000.00
Child Nutrition PO # N/A
2010 Building Bond Fund 32 PO # 1 Totaling $7,000.00
Change Orders N/A
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve bond requisitions.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve updates in Activity Account Definitions for the 24-25 SY. (Updates are noted in the attachment in red.)
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the 3rd Quarter Transfer Capacity.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve Mr. John Moss, custodian at the Mid-High, is eligible to receive 8 days of donated leave per BOE policy DEFA-R1.
Acknowledge and discuss any resignations.
Proposed executive session to discuss employment and contract of the Assistant Superintendent, and employment and contract of the Superintendent, and employment of a Secretary at the 5th & 6th Grade Bldg, 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1)
Vote to convene into executive session.
Acknowledge board's return to open session.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve hiring Jennifer Keil as the secretary for the 5th & 6th Grade Bldg for the 24-25 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve employment and contract with Tammie Reynolds as the Assistant Superintendent for the 25-26 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve employment and contract with Chad Hance as the Superintendent for the 25-26 SY.
New Business