December 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call
Flag Salute
Compliance Statement
Discussion and possible action to convene in executive session to have confidential communications with the board attorney about a pending matter, claim, or proceeding upon the advice of the attorney that disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the Board to process or respond to the matter, claim, or proceeding, in the public interest.. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(IV)
Vote to convene into executive session.
Acknowledge board's return to open session.
Statement of executive session minutes.
Consent Agenda
Minutes of the regular meeting on November 4, 2024.
Monthly financial report of activity fund
Financial Report/Superintendent's Report
Approve agenda as posted
Building Principal Update
Business Items
Approve purchase orders and encumbrances
General Fund Payroll # 50341-50346
General Fund Goods and Services PO # 428-453 Totaling $72,389.00
Building Fund PO #69-70 TOTALING $17,500.00
Child Nutrition PO # N/A
Building Bond Fund PO # N/A
Change Orders N/A
Discuss and vote to take action or take no action to declare seat #1 vacated by the Cache Public Schools Board of Education.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve bond requisitions.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the transfer of $2,425.00 from Sub Activity Account 803 (Boys Basketball) to Sub Activity Account 804 (Girls Basketball) from the 5/6th grade Youth Basketball LEague registration fees.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the attached early semester test requests for the Fall 2024 semester.
Acknowledge and discuss Accreditation Status for 24-25 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the district calendar for the 25-26 SY.
Acknowledge and discuss any resignations.
Proposed executive session to discuss superintendent evaluation, discuss hiring a paraprofessional and a central office position for the remainder of the 24-25 SY 25 O.S. Section 307(B)
Vote to convene into executive session.
Acknowledge board's return to open session.
Statement of executive session minutes.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve hiring Linda Rodgerson as a paraprofessional, PreK aide for the 24-25 SY.
Discuss and vote to approve or not approve hiring Crystal Zurenda as the Encumbrance Clerk for the 24-25 SY.
New Business