November 5, 2019 at 6:00 PM - CCAISD Special Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
III. Board Vision/Mission/Values/Goals
IV. Action Items - Discussion and Possible Action:
IV.A. Approve Authority for Superintendent to enter an Agreement with 1GPA Cooperative Procurement Membership Agreement
IV.B. Approve Authority for Superintendent to enter a contract with Design Engineers for Hellas Synthetic Softball Field Project
IV.C. Approve Authority for Superintendent to enter a contract with Hellas Synthetic Softball Field Project for the Design Phase
IV.D. Approve Authority for Superintendent to enter a contract with Hellas for the Synthetic Softball Field Project for the Geotechnical Investigation using Intertek PSI
V. Adjourn to Closed Session
For the purpose of considering matters for which closed sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code Sections (.071-.074 thru .084), whereupon the Superintendent, at the request of the chairman of the Board of Trustees, will present for the Board’s consideration or discussion the following matters:
V.A. Matters Concerning Personnel
V.B. Consultation with Attorney (as necessary)
VI. Reconvene in Open Session - Approval/Discuss/and Take Appropriate Action on Closed Session Items
VII. Adjournment