June 22, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Opening Prayer, Welcome and Recognition of Visitors.
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Acceptance of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Presentations
6. Public Comment
7. Action Items:
7.A. Consider and take possible action to approve property bid.
7.B. Consider and take possible action to approve school cafeteria meal prices increase for 2020-2021 School year.
7.C. Consider and take possible action to approve the amended 20-2021 District Calendar.
7.D. Consider and take possible action to approve Accelerated Testing Dates.
7.E. Consider and take possible action to approve staff development waiver for the 2020-21 school year.
7.F. Consider and take possible action to approve 2019-20 Parent Notice Requirements for Students at Risk of Failure Waiver.
7.G. Consider and take possible action to approve the LVN salary schedule for 2020-2021.
7.H. Consider and take possible action to approve Budget Amendment.
7.I. Consider and take possible action to approve JRBT as our Auditor for the 8-31-2020 Audit.
7.J. Consider and approve Communicable disease annex to Emergency Operations Plan.
8. Information Items:
8.A. Administrator Reports
8.A.1. 2020-21 Budget Information
8.A.2. Student Engagement for Spring 2020
8.A.3. School Reopening Survey
8.A.4. Student Extracurricular Accident Insurance
8.A.5. Commissioner Information regarding Fall 2020.
9. Superintendent's Report:
9.A. Financial Statements
9.B. Payment of bills
9.C. Tax Report
9.D. Enrollment
9.E. Resignations: Marsha Rogers, Jessica Waits, Blake Mills, Hollie Stevenson, Jessica Robinson
9.F. Legislative Update
9.G. Correspondence
10. Closed Session: The Board of Trustees will convene in Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 as amended, in accordance with the following sub section(s) : 551.074
10.A. Hire Personnel
10.B. Safety/Security Audit
11. Action Items/Open Session
11.A. Consider and take possible action to hire personnel.
11.B. Consider and take possible action to approve Safety/Security Audit.
12. Adjourn