May 4, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Business Meeting
A. Call meeting to order:
If during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the Board will conduct a closed meeting
A.1. Invocation
A.2. Pledges of Allegiance
B. Personnel
B.1. Approve New Personnel, if any
B.1.a. Leah Cole- High School for 2020-2021
B.1.b. Bryce Cathy- Middle School/Coach for 2020-2021
B.1.c. Fred Tucker- High School/Coach for 2020-2021
B.1.d. Rebecca Tucker- Elementary for 2020-2021
B.1.e. Rylee Kirkland- High School/Coach for 2020-2021
B.1.f. Connie Miller- Elementary Principal for 2020-2021
B.1.g. Jeramy Miller- Shop Teacher at High School for 2020-2021
B.1.h. Kooper Horton- Teachers Aide for 2020-2021
B.2. Approve Resignations, if any
B.2.a. Mackenzie Burt- Middle School
C. Routine Matters
C.1. Approval of Consent Agenda
C.1.a. Minutes of regular meeting of April 6, 2020
C.1.b. Approve Tax Report
C.1.c. Payment of Itemized Bills
C.1.d. Budget Amendment #2 for 199
D. Welcome Visitors
E. Public Forum
Visitors or delegations wishing to make a report or request
F. Information and Proposals
F.1. Information from TEA, TASB, TASA, ESC, TREA, Equity Center, UIL, Consultant or Comptroller, Attorney
F.1.a. Estimated Property Values for 2020-21 from Hardeman and Cottle Counties
F.1.b. Hardeman County Preliminary Budget
F.2. From Superintendent and Staff
F.2.a. Budget-To-Actual Comparison by Function report
F.2.b. Investment Earnings Report
F.2.c. Market Values of Pledged Securities
F.2.d. Enrollment Report
F.2.e. Campus Activity Accounts
F.2.f. Principals' Reports
F.2.g. Technology Report
F.2.h. Athletic Director's Report
G. Executive Session
A. Section 551.071 Consultation with School District’s attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental bode under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act specifically including the appointment employment evaluation, reassignment duties, salaries, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, superintendent assistant superintendent, principal, district directors, counselors, assistant principals, teachers, CFO, coaches, interim superintendent, at-will employees, to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. B. Section 551.072 A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiation with a third person. C. Section 551.074 A Governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, salaries, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, superintendent, assistant superintendent, principals, district directors, counselors, assistant principals, teachers, CFO, coaches at-will employees, interim superintendent or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. D. Section 551.076 A Board is not required to conduct an open meeting to deliberate: 1. The deployment of specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices: or 2. A security Audit |
H. Recommended Actions
H.1. New Business
H.1.a. Approve 2020-2021 option #2 School Calendar, teachers voted 36-27.
H.1.b. Discussion and board actions, to buy new computers for High School and Middle School.
H.1.c. Discussion and board action, if any, to approve Drug Testing service.
H.1.d. Discussion and board action, if any, to approve MOU for Turners Daycare as a Quanah ISD Campus for 3 year old PreK.
H.1.e. Discussion and board action, if any, to approve Middle School campus beautification plan.
H.1.f. Discussion and board action, if any, to approve to upgrade the dugouts and backstop at the Softball fields.
H.1.g. Discuss and approve coaching stipends.
H.1.h. Discussion and board action, if any, to approve the Audit Engagement Letter for the 2019-20 school year.
H.1.i. Approve property sales form Hardeman County Appraisal district.
I. Property
I.1. Discuss property issues, if any
I.1.a. Facility Use
I.1.a.1. Little League Baseball
J. Staff/Student Security and Safety Issues
K. Other Business
K.1. From questions asked by Board Members
K.1.a. Consider and discuss Superintendent Evaluation and goals.
K.1.b. Consider other items as may be presented by Superintendent
K.1.b.1. Discuss possible High School graduation dates and times.
K.1.b.2. Discuss lawn area outside of High School dome.
K.1.b.3. Reagan Elementary roof
K.1.b.4. Baseball field repairs
K.1.b.5. July 4th holiday schedule
K.2. Future Business
K.2.a. Meeting Dates -
K.2.a.1. Regular board meeting, Monday, June 8, 2020
K.2.b. Preview of topics for future agendas
L. Adjournment