January 25, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Mr. Gary Johnson
2. Pledge of Allegiance: United States & Texas - Mr. Gary Johnson
3. Introduce Men's Basketball Team- Mr. Wayne Baker
4. Introduce New Employees - Ms. Lindsey Bryant
5. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 7, 2021 - Mr. Gary Johnson
6. Action Items:
6.A. Committee Reports
6.A.1. Property Committee- Dr. Tara Deaver
6.A.1.a. Report on Downtown Design Updates
6.A.1.b. Report on Approval Virtual Immersion Simulation
6.A.2. Personnel/Policy Committee - Mr. Bruce Shearer
6.A.2.a. Consider and Approve Updates to Board Policy
6.B. Accept Resignation of Board Member Larry Johnson- Mr Gary Johnson
6.C. Consider and Approve Addition of New Program: Associates of Applied Arts and Science in Construction Management - Dr. Tramaine Anderson
6.D. Consider and Approve Addition of New Program: Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in Early Childhood Education - Dr. Tramaine Anderson
6.E. Monthly Financial Statements & Budget Amendments - Ms. Brandy Ham
6.F. Quarterly Investment Report- Ms. Brandy Ham
7. Informational Items:
7.A. Education Report - Odessa College Promise Program Updates- Ms. Kim McKay & Dr. Jonathan Fuentes
7.B. Institutional Effectiveness Report - Dr. Janice Hicks
7.C. Vision 2030+ Update - Mr. Ken Zartner
7.D. President's Report - Dr. Gregory Williams
7.D.1. Smart and Strong Start Spring 2022
7.D.2. Drive to Success Virtual Kickoff
7.D.3. Athletic Academic All American
7.D.4. Visit from Speaker of the Texas House
7.E. Executive Session: Consultation with Attorney Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071.
7.F. Executive Session: Discussion of Personnel Matter Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074.
8. Adjournment - Mr. Gary Johnson