August 10, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call/Establish a Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiances to the US Flag and the Texas Flag
5. Public Forum/Comments to Board - (Invitation to address the Board- Time Allocation to be specified by the Board President)
5.A. The public will be able to call in to comment on Board Agenda Items. Please call (325) 365-3588.
6. Items for Information/Reports
6.A. Superintendent's Report
6.A.1. The next Regular School Board Meeting is scheduled for September 14, 2020. We will need to schedule some Called Meeting dates later on in August in order to set the tax rate, approve the 2020-2021 Budget, and take care of any last minute budget amendments to the 2019-2020 Budget. I would like to set the date to adopt the 2020-2021 Budget and Tax Rate for Monday, August 24th at 5:30pm. We will need to have a Called Meeting on August 31st to approve any needed budget amendments.
6.A.2. Update on District Activities and Projects
6.A.3. Budget Report #3
6.A.4. Hiring Update
6.A.4.a. Aaron Bowles: High School Special Education Teacher
6.A.5. July Check Register
6.A.6. July Supplemental Pay
6.B. Assistant Superintendent Report
6.B.1. Budget Report
6.B.2. Tax Report
6.C. Elementary Report
6.D. Junior High Principal Report
6.E. High School Principal Report
6.F. Athletic Director Report
7. Items for Action/Discussion
7.A. Consider action to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting that was held on July 20, 2020.
7.B. Consider action to approve the selection of a TASB Delegate for the TASA/TASB Convention
7.C. Consider action to order the School Board Election for Single-Member District 1 and Single Member District 6 on November 3, 2020 and to authorize the Superintendent to enter into all contracts and agreements to effect such an election.
7.D. Consider the Proposed 2020 Tax Rate for Inclusion in the Notice of Public Meeting to discuss the 2020-2021 Budget and the 2020 Tax Rate
7.E. Consider action to approve Shannon Sports Medicine to provide training services for the 2020-2021 school year.
7.F. Consider action to approve Board Policy Update 115 to include BF(LOCAL):Board Policy, DED(LOCAL):Compensation and Benefits, DIA(LOCAL) Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, EI(LOCAL):Academic Achievement, FD(LOCAL):Student Admissions, FEB(LOCAL):Student Attendance Accounting, FFG(LOCAL) Child Abuse and Neglect, FFH(LOCAL):Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, FNG(LOCAL):Student and Parent Complaints, GF(LOCAL):Community and Governmental Realtions
7.G. Consider action to approve possible budget amendments.
7.H. Consider action to approve a resolution regarding Special Education Shared Services Agreement with the Coleman-Ballinger-WInters CO-OP services arrangement.
7.I. Consider action to approve future Board meetings
7.J. Consider action to approve the TexPool Resolution
8. Executive Session
8.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 552.0821, deliberation and possible action regarding a matter involving a public school student which may reveal personally identifiable information about the student.
8.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
8.C. Ratify the resignations of employees that have been received by the Superintendent
8.D. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.076, to deliberate matters of school safety and security
9. Return to open meeting and take any action deemed necessary upon discussion in the closed meeting.
10. Official Adjournment