December 14, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
5. Recognition of School Officials and Visitors Present
6. Audience With Individuals Making a Report or Request
7. Consent Agenda
7.B. Financial Statement October 2015
7.C. Amendments to 2015-2016 Budget
7.D. Student Transfers for 2015-16
8. Regular Agenda
8.A. Consider/Approve 2014-2015 Financial Audit
8.B. Presentation by First Financial Administrators, Inc. Concerning Employee Financial Awareness Seminar
8.C. Discuss and Take Possible Action on Bond Project Status and Bond Budget Update
8.C.1. Summary of Financial Activity
8.C.2. Current Financial Forecast
8.C.3. Summary of Design & Construction Activities
8.C.4. Summary of Planned Activities
8.D. Consider/Approve Budget Reduction Plan for the 2015-2016 Budget
8.E. Announcement of Board Members' Continuing Education Credit
8.F. Consider/Approve District Wellness Policy
8.G. Board Policy Update 103, Affecting Local Policies; 2nd Reading
8.H. Revision to Amended Policy CCG (LOCAL)
8.I. Consider/Approve Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with MSB Consulting Group LLC for Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) Program
9. Information Items
9.A. Board Training for Board's Self Evaluation
9.B. Donations/Grants Report
9.C. Superintendent's Reports
9.C.1. Information Items
9.C.1.a. TASB Winter Governance & Legal Seminar
9.C.2. Enrollment/Attendance Reports
9.C.3. Administrative Reports
10. Closed Meeting
10.A. 551.074- Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, dismissal, or duties of a public officer or employee.
10.A.1. Consider employment and resignations of CCISD personnel.
11. Reconvene From Closed Meeting and Take any Action Deemed Necessary Based Upon Discussion in Closed Meeting
12. Adjournment