December 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Nordheim ISD Board of Trustees
Agenda |
1. Opening
1.A. Call to Order, Roll Call, Declaration of Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance of the United States Flag
2. Recognitions & Presentations
3. Public Comments
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approve Donations
4.B. Approve minutes of previous meeting
4.C. Approve monthly expenditures
4.D. Financial Update
5. Items for Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action
5.A. Allotment and TEKS certification 2020-2021
5.B. Resolution Requesting Area reassignment through the FFA from area 11 to area 10 due to travel hardships.
5.C. Motion approving Tijerina,Galvan, Lawrence as the Districts financial advisors.
5.D. Motion Apporving McCall Parkhurst and Horton for Bond council and representation.
5.E. Extend the FFCRA leave of absense.
Discuss raising Breakfast and Lunch meal pricing.
6. Principals Report
7. Superintendents Report
7.A. Update on Covid related issues regarding school athletics, extracurriclar and academic.
8. Adjourn to Closed Session
8.A. For the Purpose of considering matters for with closed sessions are authorized by Chapter 551.071-551.084, Texas Government Code, where upon the Superintendent at the request of the Board President has prepared the agenda to present the Board's consideration or discussion the following matter(s):
8.A.1. Consult with the Districts attorneys on any matter on the agenda
8.A.2. Discuss and consider purchase of real property
8.A.3. Discuss and consider the resignation, appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duites, discipline, and/or dismissal of public officer or employee.
8.B. Return to Open Session
8.C. Adjourn