July 19, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order, Roll Call, Establishment of a Quorum, and recognition of Citizens
2. Invocation
3. Community /Public Forum:
4. Superintendent's Report:
4.A. Anita Hebert - ESSER update
5. Assistant Superintendent's Report:
5.A. Aron Strickland - New Course update
Goal 3: Develop and increase rigorous courses for college-bound students to be well-prepared for entrance at a wide range of universities. |
6. Director's Report:
6.A. Mary Hughes - Review Evaluation/Planning/Implementation of Federal Programs Report, the Gun-Free Schools Report, and the district and Family Engagement Policy for 2021-22.
7. Business Manager's Report:
7.A. Marci Ramos - Financial Report
8. Consent Agenda Items:
8.A. Approve minutes of June meeting
8.B. Approve bills
8.C. Approve budget amendments
8.D. Review and take action on transfers for the 2021-22 school year.
8.E. Review and take action on the Hale County DAEP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the 2021-22 school year as presented.
8.F. Review and take action on the TTHSC Employee Assistance Program for the 2021-22 school year as presented.
9. Budget Workshop
Goal 6: Develop a systemic and competitive approach to salary and pay structures for all employees, including benefits and recognitions. |
10. Closed Session (A Closed Session may be held under the Provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084 at anytime during the meeting by the board president or vice president)
11. Action Items:
11.A. Personnel
11.A.1. Hire personnel for open positions for the 2021-22 school year as recommended by administration/principals.
11.B. Consider and take action on stipends for elementary staff who complete the requirements for the 2020-2023 HB3 Texas Reading Academy.
11.C. Consider and take action on reduced PK tuition for children of all regularly scheduled employees.
11.D. Consider and take action on the 2021-22 employee salary schedule.
11.E. Consider and take action on the purchase of a Chevrolet Suburban.
12. Discussion Items:
12.A. Set a date for a public meeting and adopt the budget for 2021-22.
13. Information Items:
13.A. Resignations
13.B. Board Communication
13.C. Superintendent Formative Evaluation
14. Long Range Planning Session
Goal 9: Involve the community in developing a long-range plan for high quality school facilities to continue an outstanding school experience. |
15. Adjournment