June 9, 2004 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Melissa Guadiana called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m.
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.A.1. Present
Frances Rodriguez, Maggie Sepulveda, Felipe Quiroga, David Rodriguez, Melissa Guadiana and Nora Vasquez
1.A.2. Absent
Norma Llanes
1.A.3. Others Present
Tony Lara Jr., Sulema Osuna and Juan Gutierrez
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Receive and Approve Minutes of May 12, 2004
A motion was made by Frances Rodriguez to approve minutes of May 12, 2004. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4. Receive and Approve Minutes of Special Board Meeting of May 27, 2004
A motion was made by Frances Rodriguez to approve minutes of Special Board Meeting on May 27, 2004. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Comments from Public Audience
6. Awards and Recognition
6.A. Students
6.A.1. Citizens of the Month
There were no citizen of the month presented this month.
6.B. Employees
6.B.1. Employees of the Month
Mr. Tony Lara Jr., Superintendent, announced that Janie Rodriguez was selected as the employee of the month for May 2004. Mr. Lara also gave Janie Rodriguez an Employee of the Month plaque.
7. Reorganization of the Board of Trustee
A motion was made by was made by Frances Rodriguez to nominate Melissa Guadiana and Felipe Quiroga nominated Nora Vasquez for President of the Board. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Maggie Sepulveda to cease presidential nominations. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Melissa Guadiana 3 Votes
Nora Vasquez 2 Votes
President for 2004-2005 will be Melissa Guadiana. Motion carried.
Melisa Guadiana made a motioned to nominate Felipe Quiroga as Vice President of the Board. The motion was second by David Rodriguez. Motion carried.
A motion to cease nominations for Vice President of the Board was made by Maggie Sepulveda. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by David Rodriguez to nominate Maggie Sepulveda as Secretary of the Board. The motion was second by Melissa Guadiana. Motion carried.
A motion to cease nominations for Board Secretary was made by Felipe Quiroga. Melissa Guadiana seconded the motion. Motion carried.
8. San Perlita I.S.D. Authorized Bank Account Signatures
This item was discussed but no action was taken.
9. Consideration and Approval to Apply for Federal Funding for 2004-2005
A motion was made by Maggie Sepulveda to apply for Federal Funding for 2004-2005. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion carried.
10. Consideration and Approval of Textbook Certification for 2004-2005
A motion was made by Felipe Quiroga for appoval of the Textbook Certification for 2004-2005 School Year. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
11. San Perlita I.S.D. TAKS Preliminary Results for 2003-2004
Mr. Lara presented the Board of Trustees a copy with the TAKS Scores for the 2003-2004. He also gave them a copy of an article published by the Valley Morning Star which commends San Perlita 11th graders on having the highest scores in the valley.
12. Consideration and Approval of Salary Increases for 2004-2005
Mr. Lara asked to table this item on consideration of salary increases for 2004-2005 for June 30, 2004. Felipe Quiroga made a motion to table this item until June 30, 2004. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
13. TASB Risk Management Grant Award
Mr. Lara mentioned to the board that the San Perlita ISD has been awarded a grant in the amount of $3,000.00 for Safety and Loss Prevention. This is the second year the district has received this award.
14. Consideration and Approval of the Child Nutrition Program-Special Assistance Provision 2 Renewal
Felipe Quiroga made a motion to approve the Child Nutrition Program-Special Assistance Provision 2 Renewal. This is a 4 year program. Maggie Sepulveda seconded the motion. Motion carried.
15. Counselors Report:
15.A. Seniors
15.B. Summer School Camp
16. Principal of Curriculum and Instruction Report:
16.A. Vertical Alignment Team Planning
16.B. Benchmark & Mock Testing Dates
17. Principal of Student Affairs & Technology Report:
17.A. Student Activities
17.B. Technology
18. Business Office Report:
18.A. Tax Collections - May 2004
18.B. Financial Statement- June 2004
18.C. Accounts Payable - June 2004
David Rodriguez made a motion to pay all bills for May 2004. Frances Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
19. Superintendent's Report:
19.A. Attendance
19.B. Enrollment
19.C. Construction
19.D. Other
20. Closed Session
Nora Vasquez, President, made a declared closed session at 7:14p.m.
20.A. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Texas Revised Civil Statutes Article 6252-17(g)
20.A.1. Resignations
20.A.1.a. Contractual Employees
20.A.1.a.1. Jesse Rodriguez
20.A.1.a.2. Blanca Herrera
20.A.1.b. Non-Contractual Emploees
20.A.2. Employment
20.A.2.a. Contractual Employees
20.A.2.b. Non-Contractual Employees
20.B. Discipline of School Children
20.C. Reconvene in Open Session for Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
Open Session Declared at 7:51 p.m.
21. Resignations
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to accept the resignation of Miguel Dominguez. Frances Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Felipe Quiroga made a motion to accept the resignation of Blanca Herrera. Nora Vasques seconded the motion. Motion carried.
22. Adjournment.
Felipe Quiroga made a motion to adjourn. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the board, Nora Vasquez, President, declared the meeting adjourned.