February 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. After a quorum has been established, the invocation will be given, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Public Hearing on the Texas Academic Performance Report for 2020-2021. No Action will be taken.
3. Public Hearing for the purpose of discussing the district's performance rating on the State Financial Accountability System (FIRST). No action will be taken
4. Consent Agenda Items
4.A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 10, 2022.
4.B. Bills and accounts for the month of December
5. Open Forum
6. Reports:
6.A. Superintendent
6.A.1. Campus Showcase - Gladewater High School
6.A.2. State of the District
Dr. Clark
6.A.3. Recognition of Donors
Dr. Clark
6.B. Chief Financial Officer
6.B.1. Financial Report
7. The Board will consider approval of tax refunds.
8. The Board will consider the purchase and installation of portable buildings for Pre-K classrooms at Gladewater Primary School using ESSER III grant funds.
9. The Board will consider a budget amendment for additional purchases and installations related to the athletic facility upgrades at Gladewater High School.
Glenda Hickey
10. The Board will consider ordering the May 7, 2022 School Board Trustee Election.
11. In executive session, the Board will consider personnel matters as allowed by the Texas Government Code §551.074 involving the renewal of Administrator contracts and the resignation of professional personnel.
12. The Superintendent will recommend contract renewals for School Administrators.
13. The Superintendent will inform the Board of resignations accepted