March 31, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular - Video Conference
Agenda |
1. (OTHER) First Order of Business
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
1.A. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States
2. (OTHER) Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Rosa Vega-Barrio, Superintendent
3. (OTHER) District Recognitions
3.A. Athletic Recognitions
3.A.1. All-District Boys and Girls Basketball
LSG Students
3.B. Introduction of New Tornillo ISD Staff
LSG Students
3.C. Tornillo ISD Campus Teachers of the Year
LSG Students
3.C.1. Tornillo Elementary School - Mrs. Alma Erives
3.C.2. Tornillo Intermediate School - Mrs. Olivia Uribe
3.C.3. Tornillo Junior High School - Ms. Paula Garcia
3.C.4. Tornillo High School - Mr. Luis Espinoza
3.D. Tornillo ISD Paraprofessionals of the Year
LSG Students
3.D.1. Tornillo Elementary School - Miss Cassandra Soto
3.D.2. Tornillo Intermediate School - Mrs. Micaela Alvidrez
3.D.3. Tornillo Junior High School - Mr. Alfredo Garcia
3.D.4. Tornillo High School - Mr. Eddie Reyes
3.D.5. Tornillo Central Office - Ms. Maribel Medina
3.D.6. Technology Department - Mr. Hugo Fuentes
3.D.7. Child Nutrition Department - Ms. Silvia Rodriguez
3.D.8. Maintenance Department - Mr. Jose Saucedo
3.D.9. Custodial Department - Ms. Rosalba Armadillo
4. (OTHER) Open Forum
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
5. (OTHER) Information / Reports / Presentations
5.A. Financial Reports - Information Only
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
6. (STRUCTURE) Board Items
6.A. Purchases > $10,000 threshold - Authorization
6.A.1. Consider Approval of High School Gym Floor Maintenance
Mr. Rene Estrada, Maintenance/Transportation Director
6.A.2. Consider Approval to Purchase T-Mobile Hotspots
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
6.B. Consider Approval to Sell Chiller in Annex
Mr. Rene Estrada, Maintenance/Transportation Director
6.C. Consider Approval of Pre-K Textbook Adoption
Mr. Rodrigo Portillo, Assistant Superintendent
6.D. Consider Approval of Interlocal Agreement with El Paso Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
Ms. Georgina Miramontes, District 504/SPED Coordinator
6.E. Consider Approval of Depository Contract
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
6.F. Consider Approval of Waiver for Hybrid Instruction during State Testing Schedule
Mr. Rodrigo Portillo, Assistant Superintendent
7. (STRUCTURE) Consent Agenda
(All items on the Consent Agenda shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration) |
7.A. Approve minutes from previous meetings:
7.A.1. Regular Virtual Board Meeting Minutes - 02/24/2021
7.B. Consider Approval of Board Constraints Progress Monitoring #3: The Board shall not make decisions that will impact student outcomes without being well trained, informed, and prepared.
8. (OTHER) Community Engagement on Student Outcome Goals
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
9. Lone Star Governance
9.A. Student Outcome Monitoring: Goal 1 & Goal 2
9.A.1. Tornillo Intermediate School - GPM 1.1, GPM 1.2 & GPM 2.1, GPM 2.2
Mrs. Nadia De La Rosa, TIS Principal
9.A.2. Tornillo Junior High School - GPM 1.2 & GPM 2.2
Mr. Marco Tristan, TJH/HS Principal
9.A.3. Tornillo High School - GPM 1.3 & GPM 2.3
Mr. Marco Tristan, TJH/HS Principal
9.B. (Accountability 2) Review, Discussion, and Possible Action Regarding Board's Time Use Tracker
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
10. Next Meeting Tentative Date: April 28, 2021