November 15, 2004 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Forum for community input
4. Presentations: Recess meeting for Leadership Team Training
5. Minutes from previous meetings
6. Financial reports, budget & taxation issues, budget amendments
6.A. Budget amendments
6.B. Monthly reports
7. Principal & Directors' reports / requests
7.A. Resolution to TASB regarding Trustee behavior
7.B. Resolutions regarding Board operations
7.B.1. Agenda cycle
7.B.2. Board operating procedures
7.B.3. District values
7.B.4. Board values
7.C. Resolution regarding funding schools
7.D. Interlocal agreement for JJAEP
7.E. Paperless Board packet status
7.F. TELPAS Report
8. Stipend chart revisions, pay rate chart, positions / slots - No items
9. Campus handbooks, activity handbook, hanbook amendments
9.A. Campus Improvement Plans
9.B. District Improvement Plan
10. Approval of grant proposals
10.A. Reading First Grant
10.B. IPC Grant
11. Items for district facilities - building, repair, improvements, etc.
11.A. Progress on Pediatric Clinic
11.B. Update on flooring problem
11.C. Architect: planning fpr new Intermediate
11.D. Vehicle purchases
12. Local policy (Blue Book) changes - No items
13. Personnel: Hiring of contractual personnel, resignations, contract terminations / non-renewals, issues, etc.
13.A. Certified personnel
13.B. Non-certified personnel
14. Superintendent's appraisal, goals, directives, contract, compensation, etc.
14.A. Goals added to appraisal / goals clarified for appraisal
14.B. Directives to the Superintendent
15. Board members add items to the next agenda