August 19, 2002 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Forum for community input
4. Presentations
5. Minutes from previous meetings
6. Financial reports, investment report, budget amendments, payment of current bills, budget and taxation information
7. Principal & Directors' reports / requests - Insure El Paso Week
No items on this agenda
8. Stipend chart revisions, pay rate chart, positions / slots
8.A. Clarification of signing bonus
8.B. Approve pay rate chart
8.C. Approve 2002 - 2003 Salaries
9. Adopt 2002 - 2003 Budget
10. Approve Order Adopting 2002 Tax Rate
11. Local policy (Blue Book) changes - Policy DBF (Local)
12. Campus handbooks, activity handbooks, handbook amendments
No items on this agenda
12.A. Clarification of Permanent Sub Policy
12.B. Approve Employee Handbook
13. Award Bid for Food Service Dairy Products
14. Award Bid for Athletic Supplies / Equipment
15. Items for district facilities - building, repair, improvements, etc. Report from Pepe
16. JR3 Retire / Rehire option - agreement with Tornillo ISD
17. Planned Parenthood agreement for instructional presentations
18. Personnel: Hiring of contractual personnel, resignations, contract terminations / non-renewals, issues, etc.
19. Superintendent's appraisal, goals, directives, contract, compensations, etc.
20. Board members add items to the next agenda
20.A. Approve Athletic Handbook
20.B. Campus Handbooks