June 13, 2006 at 6:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Minutes from previous meetings
4. Financial reports, budget, taxation, amendments
4.A. Budget amendments
4.B. No other items
5. Requests / Reports
5.A. Health Education items
5.B. Student reward trip resolution
5.C. Trustee ethics resolution
5.D. Board shared values, philosophy
6. Items for district facilities - building, repair, improvements, etc.
6.A. Use of District facilities by the public
6.B. No other items
7. Personnel: Renewal of contract personnel, contract terminations / non-renewals, personnel issues
7.A. Certified Personnel
7.B. Other Personnel
7.C. TAKS performance
8. Superintendent's appraisal, goals, directives, contract, compensation
8.A. Goals added to appraisal / goals clarified for appraisal
8.B. Directives to the Superintendent
9. Board members add items to future meetings
9.A. Next meeting: June 20, 2006
9.B. Add items to next agenda