October 28, 2024 at 5:45 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Declaration of a Quorum / Call Meeting to order
II. Spotlight on Excellence (5:45 p.m.)
III. Executive Session Closed to the public (6:00 - 6:45 p.m.)
IV. Public Comments (6:45 p.m.)
V.A. Consideration and action to approve board meeting minutes: September 23, 2024, October 10, 2024, and October 22, 2024
V.B. Consideration and action to approve monthly financial reports
V.C. Consideration and action to approve certified tax roll
V.D. Consideration and action to approve quarterly investment report
V.E. Consideration and action to approve the annual financial report
V.F. Consideration and action to approve PHS Student Crime Stoppers trip
V.G. Consideration and action to award vendor for RFP#2024-03 Child Nutrition Walk-In Cooler-Freezer Repair or Replacement Project
V.H. Deliberation and possible action to ratify the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment identified as No. 1-B, AIA Form A133-2019 Exhibit A to the Construction Manager Agreement with Page & Associates Contractors, Inc., for the Pampa Junior High Communications Tower Subproject
V.I. Deliberation and possible action to approve Change Order No. 1-B-001 concerning changes to the work for the Pampa Junior High Communications Tower Subproject.
V.J. Deliberation and possible action to accept the work and approve final payment for the Pampa Junior High Communications Tower Subproject, No. 1-B, and other actions related thereto.
V.K. Consideration and action to adopt Substance Abuse Prevention Curriculum for DAEP
VI.A. Consideration and action to approve Pampa ISD Financial Audit
VI.B. Consideration and possible action to select a construction manager-at-risk to provide services relating to the District's Roof and HVAC Repair and Replacement Projects, RFQ 2024-04, and authorizing the Superintendent, or his designee, to take action as needed on the District's behalf.
VI.C. Deliberation and possible action to approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment identified as No. 1-C, AIA Form A133-2019 to the Construction Manager Agreement with Page & Associates Contractors, Inc., for the PHS Demolition & Site Utility Revision Subproject.
VI.D. Deliberation and possible action to ratify the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment identified as No. 1-A, AIA Form A133-2019 Exhibit A to the Construction Manager Agreement with Page & Associates Contractors, Inc., for the new parking lot at Pampa High School Subproject.
VI.E. Deliberation and possible action to approve Change Order No. 1-A-001 concerning additions and changes to the work for the new parking lot at Pampa High School Subproject.
VI.F. Deliberation and possible action to accept the work and approve final payment for the new parking lot at Pampa High School subproject, No. 1-A, and other actions related thereto.
VI.G. Consideration and action to approve new HB3 Smart Goals: Early Education and College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR)
VI.H. Consideration and action to approve District and Campus Improvement Plans
VI.I. Consideration and action to approve submission of a Bilingual Exception and ESL Waiver request for the 2024-2025 year to the Texas Education Agency.
VII.A. Facilities Update
VII.B. Bilingual ESL Program Evaluation Report
VII.C. Accountability Report
VII.D. Pampa ISD Enrollment Report
VII.E. TASA / TASB Convention Report
VIII.A. Consideration and action to approve employment of professional employee(s)
VIII.B. Consideration and action, pursuant to UIL regulations, to hire instructional aide/athletic coach