September 25, 2023 at 5:45 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Declaration of a Quorum / Call Meeting to order
II. Executive Session Closed to public (5:45 - 6:45 p.m.)
III. Spotlight on Excellence (6:45 p.m.)
IV. Public Comments (7:15 p.m.)
V.A. Consideration and action to approve board meeting minutes: August 28, 2023
V.B. Consideration and action to approve monthly financial reports
V.C. Consideration and action to approve 2023-2024 elementary school fundraisers
V.D. Consideration and possible action to approve revisions to board policy EIC(LOCAL): Academic Achievement - Class Ranking
V.E. Consideration and action to approve an adjunct faculty agreement with the Hutchinson County Extension Office
V.F. Consideration and action to approve a resolution to recognize Hutchinson County 4H Organization as eligible for extracurricular status under 19 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 76.1
V.G. Consideration and action to authorize the Board president to execute, on the Board's behalf, a waiver of potential conflict of interest for Underwood Law Firm related to the formation of an interlocal agreement between Pampa Independent School District and Perryton Independent School District for transportation services for certain special education students.
V.H. Consideration and action to approve interlocal agreement between Pampa Independent School District and Perryton Independent School District for the transportation of certain special education students.
VI.A. Consideration and action to nominate individual(s) to serve on the Gray County Appraisal Board of Directors
VI.B. Consideration and possible action regarding submission of a waiver relating to foreign exchange students to TEA
VI.C. Consideration and possible action to adopt resolutions designating nonbusiness days in 2023 and 2024 for the purpose of calculating response timelines under the Public Information Act.
VII.A. Annual Co-op purchase report
VIII.A. Enrollment Report
IX.A. Employment of professional employee(s)