April 24, 2017 at 5:45 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Declaration of a Quorum / Call meeting to order
II. Executive Session closed to the public (5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.)
III. Open Session to the public (6:45 p.m.)
IV. Spotlight on Excellence
V. Public Comments (7:15 p.m.)
VI. Consent Agenda Items:
VI.A. Consideration and possible action to approve board minutes: March 27, 2017
VI.B. Consideration and action to approve monthly financial reports
VI.C. Consideration and action to approve the Quarterly Financial and Investment Reports
VI.D. Consideration and action to approve the sale of delinquent tax property
VI.E. Discussion and action to approve TASB Policy Update 107 affecting local policies (see attached policy listing)
VII. Discussion / Action Agenda Items:
VII.A. Discussion and possible action regarding PHS Memorial project
VII.B. Discussion and possible action regarding Pampa High School Mascot
VII.C. Discussion and possible action regarding Pampa ISD property located at 400 N. Faulkner, Pampa, Texas (former Horace Mann property)
VII.D. Discussion and possible action to accept Parsley Roofing repair proposal
VII.E. Discussion and possible action to use ArbiterPay to pay basketball officials
VII.F. Consideration and possible action to approve the 2017-2018 PHS Band trip
VIII. Reports
VIII.A. Preliminary Budget Workshop
IX. Personnel
IX.A. Employment of professional employee(s)
IX.B. Consideration and action to approve educator term contracts
IX.C. Consideration and action to approve and renew Pampa ISD educator probationary contracts
IX.D. Consideration and action to approve termination of Pampa ISD educator probationary contract(s) at the end of the contract term
IX.E. Superintendent's evaluation