July 20, 2010 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Adjourn to Closed Session
2.A. For the purpose of considering matters for which closed sessions are authorized by Chapter 551.071-551.084, Texas Government Code, whereupon the Superintendent at the request of the Board President, will present for the Board's consideration or discussion the following matters:
2.A.1. Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
2.A.2. Employment of Personnel
2.A.3. Personnel
3. Reconvene in Open Session
3.A. Consideration and possible approval of items discussed in closed session.
4. Presentation of Colors/Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer-Cardenas
5. Welcome of Special Guests
6. Recognition of Students/Employees and/or Programs-Cardenas
6.A. Kicker 106
6.B. Beeville Bee-Picayune
7. Public Forum
8. Consent Items
8.A. Consider Approval of June 15, 2010 Regular Board Meeting Minutes; and June 30 and July 7, 2010 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Cardenas
8.B. Consider Approval of June 2010 Monthly Expenditures-O'Connell
8.C. Consider Approval of 2010-2011 Professional Appraisal Calendar-Jones
9. Superintendent Report-Thomas
10. Master Plan/Facilities Update-Hryorchuk
11. Business Office Report-O'Connell
12. AIM (Attendance Improvement Management) Program Update-Thomas
13. Consider Approval of 2009-2010 District and Campus Improvement Plan Evaluations-Jones
14. Budget Update-Thomas
15. New Business-Thomas
16. Adjournment