May 1, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order.
II. Moment of Silence.
III. Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Roll Call:
V. Recommend approving the agenda of the Regular Board Meeting of Tuesday, May 1, 2018, with any corrections/deletions.
VI. Recommend approval of minutes for the Special Called Board Meeting held September 12, 2017, Special Called Board Meeting of September 26, 2017, and Regular Board Meeting held October 3, 2017 with any corrections.
VII. Recommend approving the Consent Agenda. The Board has agreed to discuss the following items. All of the items below that are not called out will be approved by consent.
VIII. Superintendent's Report
VIII.A. Conference Presentations:
VIII.A.1. Recognition of the Governor's acknowledgement of BISD School. (Board Member Request - JR)
VIII.A.2. Recognition of the 2018 Green Power USA South Texas Electric Car Competition Winners. (Board Member Request - MP)
VIII.A.3. Recognition of our 2018 Texas Science and Engineering Fair winners. (Board Member Request - SPA)
VIII.A.4. Recognition of Mrs. Berta A. Pena, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum for being selected by Texas A&M as a 2018 Dean of Education Roundtable Honoree. (Board Member Request - SPA)
VIII.A.5. Recognition of 2018 Dean's Conference Roundtable Honorees.
VIII.A.6. Brownsville Independent School District Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending March 31, 2018.
VIII.A.7. Brownsville Independent School District Financial Report for the period ending March 31, 2018.
VIII.A.8. Report on Brownsville Independent School District Health Care Plan Cash Flow for the period ending March 31, 2018.
VIII.A.9. BISD Staff Development for Mental Health 2018-2019.
VIII.B. Standing Board Agenda Items:
VIII.B.1. Board Calendars: Board Activity Calendar and District Calendar
Persons who want to address the Board of Trustees during the Public Audience portion of today’s meeting shall print their names on the form provided. According to BISD Policy BED (Local), only those persons on the form who request to address the Board shall be heard. The speaker shall limit comments to five minutes or the allotted time. The Board shall allot no more than 30 minutes for Public Audience. Complaints or grievances on the following subjects; employee complaints, termination of employment, student complaints, removal to alternative education program, and expulsion, shall be directed to the appropriate policy for attempted resolution before bringing the matter to the Board as authorized by the Texas Government Code Title 5-Section: 551.074 (1) and (2). The Board President shall determine if the topic shall be redirected to the appropriate policy or redirected to Administration. Public comments on issues shall be constructive and courteous.
The Board may deliberate or take action regarding the following agenda items. Board policy BE (Local) and Robert's Rules limits debate to two opportunities. A Trustee may debate a motion for two minutes on the first speaking opportunity and one minute on the second opportunity. |
X. Consent Agenda:
X.A. Recommend approval of the following General Function Item(s):
X.A.1. Recommend approval to contract with Schneider Electric to perform the Design Build services light project for the schools noted on the attached in the amount not to exceed $1,427,274.00 to be paid from Maintenance Tax Note Fund 189 and to authorize the Superintendent to execute the contract.
X.A.2. Recommend approval to contract with TASB/E3 Entegral Solutions (E3) to perform the Design Build services light project for the schools noted on the attached in the amount not to exceed $1,293,428.00 to be paid from Maintenance Tax Note Fund 189 and to authorize the Superintendent to execute the contract.
X.A.3. Recommend approval to Adopt the Order Authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Brownsville Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds; and Containing Other Matters Related Thereto.
X.A.4. Recommend approval of Resolution #031/17-18 for Heritage Plan properties be granted exemption from taxation in the amount of $353,866.00.
X.A.5. Recommend approval to declare an Above-ground Fuel Tank as Surplus/Obsolete and authorize disposal through the District's Metal Recycling Program. Fuel tank is located in the Maintenance Department at 3750 Robindale Road, Brownsville, Texas.
X.A.6. Recommend approval to accept the donation of $10,000.00 from The Lagunitas Brewing Company of Petaluma, California for use as student incentives and funding for trips and competitions in which the Oliveira Middle School Band participates.
X.B. Recommend approval of the following Payment(s):
X.B.1. Recommend approval of Payment #1 for $69,585.00 to Ethos Engineering for work completed on the Hanna ECHS HVAC Upgrade Project to be paid from Fund 189 (Tax Rate Increase).
X.B.2. Recommend approval of Payment #4 for $56,427.75 as partial payment to G & T Paving, LLC for Construction Services work completed on the Besteiro M.S. - Four Lane Track to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
X.B.3. Recommend approval of Payment #5 for $55,439.37 as partial payment to Paragon Sports Constructors for Construction Services work completed on the Hanna ECHS Artificial Turf Soccer Field to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
X.B.4. Recommend approval of Payment #2 for $194,047.62 as partial payment to Paragon Sports Constructors for Construction Services work completed on the Rivera ECHS Artificial Turf Soccer Field to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
X.B.5. Recommend approval of Payment #18 for $51,380.75 as partial payment to Ziwa Corporation for Construction Services work completed on the Pace ECHS Fine Arts Building to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
X.B.6. Recommend approval for payment in the amount of $8,312.50 to Esparza & Garza, L.L.P. for ongoing Board approved legal services.
X.B.7. Recommend approval for payment in the amount of $507.30 to McGinnis Lockridge for ongoing Board approved legal services.
X.C. Recommend approval of the following Budget Amendment(s):
X.C.1. Recommend approval of Budget Amendment #021 in the amount of $1,525,611.00 from Local Funds. (Reallocation as requested by campuses and departments)
X.D. Recommend approval of the following Contract(s)/Agreement(s):
X.D.1. Recommend approval to enter into an agreement with the Texas General Land Office (GLO)/Cavallo Energy Texas for Electricity Supply and Related Services to El Jardin Elementary, Vela Middle School, Lucio Middle School and the BISD Encampment in the amount not to exceed approved budgeted Local Funds.
X.D.2. Recommend approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Texas at Austin in order for Veterans Memorial ECHS to receive $5,000.00, over a two-year period to provide college and career activities to students in grades 9-12.
X.D.3. Recommend approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley from May 1, 2018 thru May 1, 2020. The UTRGV mobile unit staff will be providing primary medical services including health screenings;diagnosis and treatment of simple or chronic illnesses; laboratory testing; counseling and referrals, three times a month to BISD's students. There will be no cost to the district nor the parents.
X.D.4. Recommend approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between BISD and Children's Museum of Brownsville. This memorandum will service BISD students enrolled in the Education and Training program of study. This will be at no cost to the District.
X.D.5. Recommend approval to contract with the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley for services regarding the Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program (TexPREP) to be implemented during the Summer of 2018, which includes 6 Saturday Sessions at a cost of $390.00 per student.
X.E. Recommend approval of Bid(s)/Proposal(s)/Purchase(s)
X.E.1. Recommend approval to exercise the option to renew Bid #16-096 Preventive Maintenance for Generators District-wide for FY 2018-2019 to GRM Services, Brownsville, Texas; LG Power, Inc., Austin, Texas and Loftin, Universal City, Texas and to provide preventive maintenance services for generators district-wide and to authorize administration to negotiate a fee on a project by project basis. Approximate amount of $65,777.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.2. Recommend awarding Bid #18-085 HVAC and Chiller Supplies/Materials District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $1,245,877.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.3. Recommend awarding Bid #18-091 Disposal of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $50,000.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.4. Recommend awarding Bid #18-095 Fencing Services, Supplies and Materials District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $147,013.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.5. Recommend awarding Bid #18-099 Construction Supplies and Materials District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $50,000.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.6. Recommend awarding Bid #18-100 Portable Building Relocation and Related Services District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $56,096.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.7. Recommend awarding Bid #18-019 Football, Volleyball and Girls/Boys Basketball Supplies District-wide (Catalog Bid) to several vendors. Approximate amount of $261,431.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.8. Recommend awarding Bid #18-020 Cross Country, Soccer and Track Supplies District-wide (Catalog Bid) to several vendors. Approximate amount of $177,794.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.9. Recommend awarding Bid #18-021 Baseball and Softball Supplies District-wide (Catalog Bid) to several vendors. Approximate amount of $75,772.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.10. Recommend awarding Bid #18-022 Golf, Swimming and Tennis Supplies District-wide (Catalog Bid) to several vendors. Approximate amount of $63,676.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.11. Recommend awarding Bid #18-023 Student Uniforms for Career/Technology and Instructional Program District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $50,000.00 from State Career and Technical Education funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.12. Recommend awarding Competitive Sealed Proposal #18-024 High School Marching Band Show Writing Services District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $100,000.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Proposal)
X.E.13. Recommend awarding Bid #18-050 Curriculum and Instruction Supplies, Materials and Software District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $5,560,113.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.14. Recommend awarding Bid #18-051 Audio Visual Equipment District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $174,824.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.15. Recommend awarding Bid #18-052 Office Supplies, Equipment and Accessories District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $213,763.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.16. Recommend awarding Bid #18-054 Chess Materials, Supplies, Software and Training Services District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $50,000.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.17. Recommend awarding Bid #18-056 Police/Security Uniforms, Supplies, Materials and Equipment District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $50,000.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.18. Recommend awarding Bid #18-058 Repair Parts for Kitchen Equipment and Walk-In Freezers for FNS District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $169,001.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
X.E.19. Recommend awarding RFQ #18-123 Air Conditioning Systems Testing and Air Balance (TAB) Services (Annual Contract) to TABFX - Test and Balance, San Juan, Texas and National Precisionaire LLC, Houston, Texas to provide engineering services and to authorize Administration to negotiate a fee on a project by project basis. Approximate amount of $52,500.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Contract)
XI. CLOSED MEETING: as pursuant to the Texas Government Code Sections: 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, and 551.084.
XI.A.1. Presentation, acceptance and approval of Retirements. (6)
XI.A.2. Presentation, acceptance and approval of Resignations. (4)
XI.A.3. Recommend approval of term-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Assistant Superintendent - Alma D. Cardenas-Rubio. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.A.4. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Librarian. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.A.5. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Teachers. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (4)
XI.A.6. Recommend approval of term-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Advisor for Color Guard/Theatre Arts. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.A.7. Recommend approval of Department Professional Staff for Probationary Contracts for the 2018-2019 school year.
XI.A.8. Recommend approval of Department Professional Staff for Term-Chapter 21 Contracts for the 2018-2019 school year.
XI.A.9. Recommend approval of Department Professional Staff for Term-Non-chapter 21 Contracts for the 2018-2019 school year.
XI.A.10. Recommend approval to compensate professional employee (R.T.) for four (4) years experience earned but not paid in the following fiscal school years: 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017.
XI.A.11. Recommend approval to compensate classified employees (D.G., C.P. and M.M.P) for the hourly rate earned but not paid in the following fiscal school years: 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017.
XI.B.1. Staff Attorney
XI.B.1.a. Attorney Consultation - REAL Estate
XI.B.1.a.1. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate properties.
XII. BOARD RECONVENES - Possible Board action on items discussed in executive session.
XIII. Board Member Request(s)
XIII.A. Action Item(s)
XIII.A.1. Presentation, consideration and possible action on current sick leave pool for BISD Employees. (Board Member Request - MP)
XIV. Announcement(s):
XIV.A. Next scheduled Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees is on Tuesday, June 5, 2018.
XV. Adjournment.