September 4, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order.
II. Moment of Silence.
III. Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Roll Call:
V. Recommend approving the agenda of the Regular Board Meeting of September 4, 2018 with any corrections/deletions.
VI. Recommend approval of minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held May 1, 2018 and the Special Called Board Meeting held May 14, 2018, with any corrections.
VII. Recommend approving the Consent Agenda. The Board has agreed to discuss the following items. All of the items below that are not called out will be approved by consent.
(All presentations limited to five (5) minutes) |
VIII. Superintendent's Report: * SB1566
VIII.A. Conference Presentations:
VIII.A.1. Presentation of Brownsville Pony League & Little League Teams that advanced to the State & National Baseball Tournaments. (Board Member Request)
VIII.A.2. Presentation of American School Board Journal 2018 Magna Award - Extended Day Enrichment Program. *
VIII.A.3. Update of the District-wide Elementary Coding Program. *
VIII.A.4. Update of the Palm Grove Elementary 6th Grade School Pilot Program. *
VIII.A.5. Progress Report on Phase 1 of the Strategic Marketing Plan Committee.
VIII.A.6. Report on 2018-2019 TEA and District Testing Calendar. *
VIII.A.7. Brownsville Independent School District Financial Report for the period ended July 30, 2018.
VIII.A.8. Brownsville Independent School District Health Care Plan Cash Flow for the period ending July 31, 2018.
VIII.B. Standing Board Agenda Items:
VIII.B.1. Board Calendars: Board Activity Calendar and District Calendar.
Persons who want to address the Board of Trustees during the Public Audience portion of today’s meeting shall print their names on the form provided. According to BISD Policy BED (Local), only those persons on the form who request to address the Board shall be heard. The speaker shall limit comments to five minutes or the allotted time. The Board shall allot no more than 30 minutes for Public Audience. Complaints or grievances on the following subjects; employee complaints, termination of employment, student complaints, removal to alternative education program, and expulsion, shall be directed to the appropriate policy for attempted resolution before bringing the matter to the Board as authorized by the Texas Government Code Title 5-Section: 551.074 (1) and (2). The Board President shall determine if the topic shall be redirected to the appropriate policy or redirected to Administration. Public comments on issues shall be constructive and courteous.
The Board may deliberate or take action regarding the following agenda items. Board policy BE (Local) and Robert's Rules limits debate to two opportunities. A Trustee may debate a motion for two minutes on the first speaking opportunity and one minute on the second opportunity. |
X. Consent Agenda:
X.A. Recommend approval of the following General Function Item(s):
X.A.1. Recommend approval of Resolution #018/18-19 for the adoption of the 2018-2019 Proposed Tax Rate. Recommend to adopt a tax rate of no more than $1.265000 per $100.00 valuation with a Maintenance and Operations rate of $1.152500 and a Debt Service rate of $0.112500. (Same tax rate as 2017-2018 school year)
Maintenance and Operations $1.152500 Debt Service $0.112500 Total Proposed Rate $1.265000
X.A.2. Recommend approval of Resolution #019/18-19 for the 2018-2019 Tax Levy in the amount of $72,811,141.93 based on the adopted tax rate of $1.265 per $100 property valuation. (Same tax rate as 2017-2018 school year)
X.A.3. Recommend approval of Resolution #020/18-19 for the reselling of foreclosed properties to the highest responsible bidder in the amount of $15,966.07.
X.A.4. Recommend approval of the 2018-2019 District Improvement Plan as required by the Texas Education Code. The District Education Improvement Plan will serve as a guide to District and campus staff for the improvement of student performance in order to attain state standards. *
X.A.5. Recommend approving the Santander Bank tax empt five-year installment financing for the purchase of thirty-four school buses from Longhorn Bus Sales using Buyboard - Resolution #R002/18-19. The Buyboard contract number is 549-17 and there is a fee of $800.00 per purchase order. Final expenditure not to exceed $3,485,908.00 plus applicable one time purchase order fee and finance charges at no more than 3.45% interest for five years.
X.A.6. Recommend approval to authorize administration to accept the Sams Stadium Scoreboard project as substantially complete.
X.A.7. Recommend approval to submit the Class Size Waiver petition to the Texas Education Agency for grades K through 4th for the Fall semester of the 2018-2019 school year. *
X.A.8. Recommend approval to accept a Toyota Advanced Equipment Donation by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas (TMMTX), Incorporated. No cost to the District. *
X.A.9. Recommend approval to create a certified full-time equivalent (FTE) position for a Marketing Specialist - Paygrade 04/05 for the 2018-2019 school year.
X.A.10. Recommend approval to reschedule the Regular Board Meeting of November 6, 2018 to November 13, 2018, December 4, 2018 to December 11, 2018 and January 1, 2019 to January 15, 2019, due to BISD School Trustee Election and calendared holidays. Recommend approval to schedule a Special Called Board Meeting on Thursday, November 15, 2018 for the purpose of canvassing School Trustee Election returns.
X.B. Recommend approval of the following Budget Amendment(s):
X.B.1. Recommend approval of Budget Amendment #011 in the amount of $3,608,449.00 for Local Funds. (Reallocation of $122,541.00 and Additional Funding of $3,485,908.00)
X.C. Recommend approval of the following Contract(s)/Agreement(s):
X.C.1. Recommend approval to continue into a clinical Affiliation Agreement between SCC Valley Grande and Brownsville ISD for the 2018-2019 school year at no cost to the district.
X.C.2. Recommend approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between Brownsville ISD and Mesquite Treatment Center, LLC to provide outpatient chemical dependence services, intervention and counseling to BISD Brownsville Academic Center students at no cost to the District.
X.C.3. Recommend approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for serving Children and Adults in Need (SCAN), Inc., for the purpose of coordinating drug prevention activities/services for individuals from September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2019. The MOU is at no cost to the District.
X.C.4. Recommend approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) Student Teacher Educator Preparation Program and Brownsville Independent School District for the 2018-2019 school year. Services to be rendered to the Districts needs and funding. There will be no cost to the Brownsville Independent School District.
X.C.5. Recommend approval to enter into agreement with Cameron County Community Service Centers and School Districts to provide Adult Basic Education/General Educational Development and English as Second Language classes for the 2018-2019 school year. At no cost to the District. *
X.C.6. Recommend approval to enter into agreement with the Brownsville Chapter of Hadassah, Valley Baptist Medical Center of Brownsville for the presentation of their program "Check It Out" to female students (juniors and seniors) at Hanna, Lopez, Pace, Porter, Rivera, Veterans Memorial, Lincoln Park, Brownsville Early College High School (BECHS), Brownsville Learning Academy (BLA) and Brownsville Academic Center (BAC). No cost to the District.
X.C.7. Recommend approval to implement program efforts by the United Way of Southern Cameron County/Early Development Instrument (EDI) and Brownsville Independent School District. The contracting period is from August 13, 2018 - December 31, 2019. *
X.C.8. Recommend approval of Memorandum of Understanding for $6,750.00 for Bertha Zamora to serve as the Lincoln Park High School, TEA Required, locally funded Professional Service Provider from September 4, 2018 to August 31, 2019. Services to be rendered based on District needs and funding. *
X.C.9. Recommend approval to accept the proposal and agreement for the MEP Engineering consulting services on the Design Build Projects from Ethos Engineering, Harlingen, Texas, in the amount not to exceed $228,832.76 to be paid from Maintenance Tax Note 189.
X.C.10. Recommend approval to implement PLTW (Project Lead The Way) Computer Science Pathway curriculum and professional development training, for 2018-2019 school year, in the amount not to exceed $60,000.00. *
X.D. Recommend approval of the following Bid(s)/Proposal(s)/Purchase(s)
X.D.1. Recommend approval to exercise the option to extend RFQ #17-073 Consulting Services for Indoor Air Quality Sample Collections Analysis Reporting for Asbestos Abatement for FY 2018-2019 to ACI Environmental, Harlingen, Texas and Terracon Consulting, Inc., Pharr, Texas to provide services and to authorize administration to negotiate a fee on a project by project basis. Approximate amount of $50,000.00 from Local and Categorical Funds.
XI. CLOSED MEETING: as pursuant to the Texas Government Code Sections: 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, and 551.084.
XI.A. Level III Grievance(s)
XI.A.1. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding Level III Parent Grievance No. 001/18-19 on Mr. Douglas Tolman.
XI.A.2. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding Level III Grievance No. 004/18-19 on Maribel Suarez.
XI.B.1. Presentation, acceptance and approval of Retirements. (2)
XI.B.2. Presentation, acceptance and approval of Resignations. (12)
XI.B.3. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Assistant Band Director. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.4. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Career Placement Officer. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.5. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Counselors. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (6)
XI.B.6. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Nurse. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.7. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Testing Coordinator. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.8. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Teachers. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (9)
XI.B.9. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Curriculum Alignment Specialist. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.10. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Assistant Administrator for Transportation. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.11. Recommend approval of term-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Administrator for Stamp Program. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.12. Recommend approval of term-non-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Coordinator for Career and Technical Ed. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.13. Recommend approval of term-non-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Maintenance Coordinator. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.14. Recommend approval of term-non-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Purchasing and Accounts Supervisor. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.15. Recommend approval of term-non-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2018-2019 school year - Administrator for Human Resources (Maricela Franco). Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XI.B.16. Recommend to approve compensation for professional employee (K.J.) on interim assignment to be commensurate with the administrator salary until such time that a permanent administrator is selected for the 2018-2019 fiscal school year.
XI.B.17. Recommend to approve compensation for professional employee (L.S.) on interim assignment to be commensurate with the administrator salary until such time that a permanent administrator is selected for the 2018-2019 fiscal school year.
XI.B.18. Board Self-Evaluation.
XI.B.19. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, and duties of the Superintendent.
XI.C.1. Staff Attorney
XI.C.1.a. Update regarding Susana Zapata v. Brownsville Independent School District.
XI.C.1.b. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding Humana, Inc. v Brownsville Independent School District.
XI.C.1.c. Recommend to approve the proposed suspension without pay of a probationary contract teacher (W.S.A.) for good cause pending discharge for the 2018-2019 school year.
XI.C.1.d. Recommend to approve the proposed termination of the probationary contract (W.S.A.) for good cause for the 2018-2019 fiscal school year.
XI.D.1. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate property for the possible purchase of land.
XII. BOARD RECONVENES - Board action on agenda items discussed in Executive Session.
XIII. Board Member Request(s)
XIII.A. Conference Presentation(s)
XIII.A.1. Presentation and clarification on Resolution #031/17-18 for Heritage Plan properties granted exemption from taxation in the amount of $353,866.00. (Board Member Request - SPA)
XIII.B. Action Item(s)
XIII.B.1. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding the WHY initiative. (Board Member Request - JAR)
XIII.B.2. Discussion and possible action regarding the process for considering the execution of the Letter of Intent for Public Private Partnership Opportunities for Development of Brownsville Independent School District Facilities and/or infrastructure; to include vendor tampering. (Board Member Request - SPA)
XIII.C. Request from Board Member to Administration.
XIII.C.1. Discussion, consideration and possible action to recommend approval to allow Minerva Pena, Board Member and/or other Trustees to attend the NCUST (2018 America's Best Urban School Award) to be held on October 8-10, 2018 in San Diego, California.
XIV. Announcement(s):
XIV.A. Next scheduled Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees is on Tuesday, October 2, 2018.
XV. Adjournment.