June 12, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Items to be added:
III. Approve Agenda (BCBH)
IV. Approve Minutes (BCBH)
V. Public Comments (sign-ins) (BCAF)
VI. Old Business
VI.A. Adopt Policy and Policy Reviews for Sections K, L, and M
VII. New Business
VII.A. Keesler Federal Credit Union - Educator's Impact Awards
Carrie Walters, Lizana Elementary Maggie Reid, Woolmarket Elementary Chaundrea Allen, North Gulfport Elementary and Middle School Brenden Phillips, West Harrison Middle Keshia Gaines, River Oaks, Elementary |
VII.B. Public Hearing - Proposed Budget 2023-2024
VII.C. Consent Agenda Items
The items listed below are consent agenda items, which may be approved in one action of the Board. It is noted that any item may be removed from the consent agenda for separate action or discussion of the Board. An asterisk (*) denotes an item added to the agenda after the original release on Friday. |
VII.C.1. Approve Claim Docket for checks prepared on June 9, 2023, reconciled by the Accounting Department. (DJ)
VII.C.2. Authorize payment in the amount of $3,471.95 to Wynn Clark, Attorney at Law, School Board Attorney, for professional services rendered in specific matters and litigation. Documentation provided in attached files. (FDGB)
VII.C.3. Bids for Academic Tracking Tool were opened and publicly read on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. with bidders listed as follows:
Bidder Name Bid Amount Instructure, Inc. $4.73 per student. Additional costs are itemized on the tabulation sheet. Approve the request to award the bid to Instructure, Inc., the sole bidder meeting specifications. (DJED) |
VII.C.4. Approve request for cease and desist burials at Wolf River Cemetery on 16th Section School Trust Lands, and authorize limited authority allowing burials for descendants whose ancestors have pre-established burial plots, if space is available within the established family plot boundaries, as recommended by counsel for the Mississippi Secretary of State's office. Establishing new burial plots will not be permitted until a lease is secured. (EBJ)
VII.C.5. Bids for the 2023-2024 Credit Recovery Program were opened and publicly read on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. with bidders listed as follows:
Bidder Name Bid Amount Imagine Learning, LLC $11,554 per site X 9 sites (middle and high schools) $103,986.00 Total SchoolsPLP $810,000.00 Total for grades 6th -11th Approve the request to award the bid to Imagine Learning, LLC, the lowest bidder meeting specifications. (DJED) |
VII.C.6. Approve a request from the Mississippi Department of Public Safety for use of facilities at Harrison Central High School for their Active Shooter Training scheduled for July 7-9, 2023. (DB)
VII.C.7. Approve affidavits for removal of property from the fixed asset inventory lists for: Bel-Aire Elementary, West Wortham Elementary and Middle School, Harrison Central High, Special Services Center, Central Office, Lyman Elementary, for items broken, obsolete, or stolen. Items stolen or missing have a police report or case number provided. (DM)
VII.C.8. Approve the 2023-2024 Inter-Agency Agreement with Gulf Coast Therapeutic Day School for educational services, including and not limited to, speech therapy and physical therapy. (IDDF)
VII.C.9. Approve the agreement with Mississippi Action for Progress, Inc. Head Start to provide services to preschool children, three to five years of age, eligible for special education in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. (IDDF)
VII.C.10. Approve the Collaborative Agreement with the University of Southern Mississippi on behalf of the Children's Center for Communication and Development for the 2023-2024 school year, providing educational and therapeutic services and responsibilities outlined in the Individualized Education Program (IEP). (IDDF)
VII.C.11. Approve the Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA) official's fees for the 2023-2024 school year. Athletic officials are paid through Dragonfly as required by MHSAA. (IDF-A)
VII.C.12. * Approve the 2023-2024 Affidavit of Residency form used for student enrollment. (JBC)
VII.D. Approval of the following:
VII.D.1. Personnel (GBD:GBQ)
VII.D.2. Lowest Quote (DJED)
VII.D.3. Single Source (DJED)
VII.E. Executive Session - Potential Litigation
VIII. Adjourn