March 12, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call |
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Presentation/Recognition
-Shining Star Employees: Allison Hendrix Shannon Soule -Julie Formo: First grade Project Based Learning Biosphere Project |
4. Communications and Call to the Public
Any person wishing to address the board on any issue within the jurisdiction of the board may speak at this time subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions. At the conclusion of the call, board members may 1) Respond to criticism to those who addressed the board, 2) Ask staff to review a matter, or 3) Ask that a matter be put on future agenda.
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes
Regular Governing Board Meeting February 19, 2015
5.B. Ratification of Vouchers
5.B.1. Expense Vouchers
V1530 $27,245.53 V1531 $5,796.39
V1532 $400,739.85 |
5.B.2. Payroll Vouchers
V34 $46,085.33 V35 $62,464.40
V36 $46,085.33 V37 $67,575.54 |
5.C. Financial Reports for the month of February
5.D. Out of District Travel:
* Kristen Moreno - March 5-6, 2015, Phoenix, AZ Behavior, Education, Technology Conference
6. Discussion/possible action on Board Member attendance at school events for March/April
7. Discussion/possible action on first reading of policy GCCG G-3100 Professional/Support Staff Voluntary Transfer of Accrued Sick Leave
8. Discussion/possible action on second reading/adoption of revisions to policy BDB and BDA "Board Officers" and Board Organization.
9. Discussion/possible action on school sponsored overnight trips: Solar Project Catalina State Park (Saturday April 11), National Junior Honor Society Catalina Island (June 8-June 11)
10. Discussion/possible action on Personnel Matters
Latryce Rodriquez - Paraprofessional Terry Ellis - additional hours - (Maintenance) Resignations: Diana Miller and Arlinda Coates (bus drivers) and Julie Bryant (Paraprofessional) |
11. Board Report
Report from Board member on ASBA Spring Legal Webinar Series
12. Superintendent Report
-Athletic field work day -AzMerit -PolicyBridge -ASBA web-based platform for District Policies
13. Future Meeting Dates and Topic/Agenda Items
Regular Governing Board Meeting April 16, 2015
Middle School Social Studies Review in April and adoption-June/July Budget Workshops-February/March/April IGA CAC College for Kids Transportation-April 2015/16 Employee Salary Schedules-April District Website transition from the Current District Hosted Website to a Website Host Company-May Accepting electronic tax credit donations-July 2015/16 Contracts/Work Agreements-April Superintendent Evaluation-April Superintendent Performance Pay Evaluation-April Board Self Evaluation-April Oracle Schools Foundation Update-April Superintendent Contract-April/May Principal Contract-May School wide discipline project-May Facility Walkthrough-May Relocation of August regular Governing Board meeting to a SaddleBrooke Venue-May Enrollment Caps and Open Enrollment-July (2015) Emergency Response/preparedness plan - August Teacher Evaluation system-August Principal Evaluation system-August |
14. Meeting Evaluation
15. Adjournment