June 10, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Presentation and Recognition
4. Communications and Call to the Public
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes
5.A.1. Special Meeting May 12, 2010
5.A.2. Regular Meeting May 13, 2010
5.B. Ratification of Vouchers
5.B.1. Expense Vouchers
V 1049 - $ 10,786.49 V1050 $ 15,491.70
V1051 - $ 7,062.35 V1052 $ 4,671.44 |
5.B.2. Payroll Vouchers
V26 $ 133,330.84 V27 $ 222,134.53
V28 $ 11,628.41 V29 $ 79,703.10 V30 $ 13,145.96 |
5.C. Financial Reports for the month of May
5.D. Out of District travel ratify/approve
Todd Kissick and Dennis Blauser - AZELLA Training, June 16, 2010 Marana, AZ
Childcare/Pre-School Staff - Expo - June 17 - 18, 2010 Phoenix, AZ |
5.E. Donations
Verde Sputters - Fifty (50) Dollars to Mountain Vista School for Music program
5.F. Agreements and Resolutions for FY 2010/2011
5.F.1. Agreement between Oracle Elementary School District #2 and Go Solutions Group, Inc. for Title XIX Fee for Service and Administrative Outreach reimbursement services
5.F.2. Data Processing Service Agreement: Data Processing Service Agreement; Intergovernental Agreement; and Resolution Authorizing Execution of Data Processing Service Program Agreement
5.F.3. Arizona School Risk Retention Trust, Inc. Coverage Agreement for 2010-2011 to include Pre-Paid Legal Services Coverage
5.F.4. The Arizona School Alliance for Workers Compensation, Inc. (The Alliance) Participation Agreement and Resolution Authorizing entering into Agreement with The Alliance
5.F.5. Resolution - Designating Superintendent Todd Kissick as district authorized signer
5.F.6. Resolution - Bank Account Signers
5.F.7. Resolution signing of expense vouchers between meetings
5.F.8. Resolution authorizing Pinal County Treasurer to invest funds
5.F.9. Resolution determination related to an expenditure for food, awards and incentives
5.G. Pre-payment of 2010-2011 expenses as authorized in accordance with Arizona Revised Statute 15-905.n with 2009-2010 funds.
5.H. Authorization of Toni Parkhurst as Student Activities Treasurer and Todd Kissick, Dawn Ruiz, and Carmen Trejo as Assistant Student Activities Treasurers for FY 2010/2011
6. Discussion/possible action on Oracle Elementary School District Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report; Single Audit Reporting Package and Uniform System of Financial Records Compliance Questionnaire, as completed by John C. Todd II, P.C. Certified Public Accountants for fiscal year ending June 30, 2009
7. Discussion/possible action on policies BEDH & BEDH-E - Public Participation at Board Meetings; BHC Board Communications with Staff Members and BHD Board Communications with the Public
8. Discussion/possible action on ratification of exception to Policy GCCA Professional/Support Staff Sick Leave in regards to sick leave buy back request. Also discussion/possible action to review and consider revision to policy
9. Discussion of policies GCQA Professional Staff Reduction in Force and GDQA - Support Staff Reduction in Force
10. Discussion/possible action on request for horizontal movement on the salary schedule of J. Anway for FY 2010-2011
11. Discussion/possible action to designate Dennis Blauser as district truant officer
12. Discussion/possible action on donation received from Goodman Ranch Associates, L.L.P.
13. Discussion/possible action on Educational Services Incorporated Client Service Agreement for Employee staffing services
14. Discussion/possible action on Personnel Matters
14.A. Resignations/Nonrenewal/Terminations
T. Weber
S. Salazar |
14.B. Employments
Classified Term Employees - D. Ruiz and T. McGovern
Classified At Will Employees - per attached list Teacher - V. Smith |
15. Discussion/possible action on Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) proposed action agenda items for FY 2010-2011 to be considered by the Delegate Assembly on June 26, 2010
16. Discussion/possible action on setting of June and July Governing Board meetings
To set meeting dates to comply with proposal and adoption of 2010-2011 School District Budget
17. Superintendent Report
Current Events
18. Board Report
19. Future Meeting Dates and Topics
20. Meeting Evaluation
21. Adjournment