November 3, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mr. Jeremy Maestas, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Mrs. Katrina Martinez, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum per person)
EVHS JROTC - Red Ribon Supporters - SGT Romero
Alcalde - Kiva Duckworth
Research and Polling in connection with Board member redistricting - Michael Sharp
Board President Report
Superintendents Report
Approval of Minutes - Regular Board Meeting - October 20, 2022
Approval or Disapproval of MOU between Tewa Women United and EPS - Implementation of A'Gin Healthy Sexuality Boday Sovereignty Project - San Juan 6th grad and Carlos Vigil Middle School Tewa Classes.
Approval or Disapproval of MOU between Ohkay Owingeh Health and Human Services and EPS - Special Diabetes Program for Indians will provide prevention education to the Tewa classes at San Juan Elementary
Approval or Disapproval of Out of State travel for the EVHS Army JROTC - they have been invited to participate in the Rocky Mountain Cup Rifle Tournament located in Fountain, Colorado - $450.00
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of local vegetables and fruits from local farmers - La Cosecha de Norte - $6,820.00
Approval of Disapproval of Santa Fe Audio Visual - Support EVHS graduation by providing screens on each side of the stage - $9,054.53
Approval or Disapproval of Canova Engineering, LLC - conducting engineering studies for drainage and San Juan Elementary Pond - $35,949.38
Approval or Disapproval of S.A.N.D - Dixon Playground - install and replace play curb, remove and dispose of old seesaw - 19,695.00
Approval or Disapproval of Wisconsin Center for Education ACESS for ELS assesments for stuents - $13,180.00
Approval or Disapproval of NWEA Interim Assessment license renewal for Carlos Viil Middle School and Espanola Valley High School - $20,150.00
Approval or Disapproval of Edupoint Access for ELLevation - $1,500.00
EXECUTIVE SESSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of Espanola Public Schools will meet in Executive Session for the following purpose:
Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 1015-1 (H)(2) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, limited personnel matters; specifically so that:
the Superintendent can discuss, and legal counsel can afvise, regarding (a) the status of pending investigations of classified and/or other certified employees by the Superintendent; and (b) resignation of administrative employee; and
the Board can discuss with the Superintendent its completed mid-year evaluation of the Superintendent
Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 1015-1 (H)(7) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, pending or threatened litigation; specifically to meet with legal counsel to discuss Margarita Casias, as Personal Representative of the Estate of John Casian v. Board of Education of Espanola Public Schools, D-117-CV-2020-00423
Regular Board Meeting - November 17, 2022 6:00pm at Carlos Vigil Middle School