November 12, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Mammoth-San Manuel Unified School District Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mr. Newman
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Newman
3. Roll Call
4. Call to the Public
This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.01 (G), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter; or to requesting the matter be put on a future agenda for further consideration at a later date.
5. Discussion/Action to approve the November 12, 2024 Agenda.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
6. Discussion/Action to approve the next Regular Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 10, 2024 in San Manuel.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
7. Approval of Consent Agenda
Mr. Newman
7.A. Approve minutes of Regular Meeting October 15, 2024
7.B. Approve Payroll Vouchers 10/25/2024-11/8/2024
7.C. Approve Expense Vouchers 10/17/2024-11/1/2024
7.D. Approve Mammoth-San Manuel Pre-K-12 Activity Reports, September 30, 2024
7.E. Approve Mammoth Revolving, September 30, 2024
8. Discussion/Action to approve employments/transfers per list:
Annette Aguirre, Hard to Fill (ELL Coordinator) Stepheena Huerta, Hard to Fill Princess Alicaway, Hard to Fill Angela Gillies, Girls Head Varsity Basketball Coach Catherine Starks, Junior High Wrestling Coach Daniel Najera, Head Varsity Wrestling Coach Mike Ochoa, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach Nakai Rubalcava, Junior High Boys Basketball Coach Samantha Waddell, Assistant High School Girls Basketball Coach Serapio Rodriguez, Junior High Girls Basketball Coach Vince Majalca, Varsity Assistant Wrestling Coach William Smith, Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach Leslie Marquez, Payroll Clerk & Student Services Azucena Escober, Community Schools Javier Ortega, Community Schools
Mrs. Dale-Scott
9. Discussion/Action to approve the following resignations:
Andy Monfred, Teacher, effective January 1, 2025
Mrs. Dale-Scott
10. Discussion/Action to approve the use of insurance proceed money to help with the construction services for the baseball field.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
11. Discussion/Action to approve Annette Aguirre as a Qualified Evaluator.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
12. Discussion/Action to approve Terri Derrick as the designated person to administer medications and those specific to Narcan/Naloxone.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
13. Discussion/Action to approve the 2024-2025 301 Teacher Performance Plan.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
14. Discussion/Action to consider or give direction on voting on one bylaw change proposal from Arizona School Board Association. This bylaw proposal by the ASBA Board of Directors must be approved by two-thirds of the ASBA member boards to be effective. After discussion, the Board will vote to give direction to Julie Dale-Scott to vote in the manner the board has approved.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
15. Discussion/Action to approve the first reading on the following policies:
BBBA-Board Member Qualifications GCF- Professional Staff Hiring GDF- Support Staff Hiring IHA- Basic Instructional Program IKF- Graduation Requirements JFABC- Admission of Transfer Students JFB- Open Enrollment JFB-R- Open Enrollment JHD- Exclusions and Exemptions From School Attendance JHD-R- Exclusions and Exemptions From School Attendance JHD-EA- Exclusions and Exemptions From School Attendance JHD-EB- Exclusions and Exemptions From School Attendance JLCD-R Medicines/Administering Medicines to Students GBK- Staff Grievances JII- Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances
Mrs. Dale-Scott
16. Discussion/Action to suspend Policy BGB related to a first and second reading for the adoption of revisions to Policy ACA Sexual Harassment, Policy ACAA Title IX Sexual Harassment and Regulation ACCA-R.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
17. Discussion/Action to approve revisions to Policy ACA Sexual Harassment, Policy ACAA Title IX Sexual Harassment and Regulation ACAA-R.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
18. Superintendent Update
Mrs. Dale-Scott
18.A. Community Schools Update
18.B. Enrollment
19. Adjourn
Mr. Newman