November 15, 2023 at 7:05 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Establishment of a Quorum
3. Open Forum
4. Consider Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s)
5. Presentation by Rodgers and Company on 2022-2023 audit
6. Discussion and possible action on 2022-2023 audit
7. Discussion and possible action on Update 122
8. Discussion and possible action on bond construction
9. Discussion and possible action on allotting votes to Nolan County and Taylor County Appraisal Board voting resolutions
10. Discussion and possible action on Business Procedure Manual
11. Discussion and possible action on nomination(s) of directors for the Central Appraisal District of Coke County
12. Finance Items
12.A. Current Billings Report
12.B. Current Cash Report
12.C. Consider necessary budget amendments
13. Superintendent Report
13.A. Enrollment TTL - 169 HS - 55 JH - 23 Elem. - 91
13.B. Personnel resignation and hiring recommendations
14. Adjournment