February 24, 2021 at 7:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Establishment of a Quorum
3. Open Forum
4. Consider Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s)
5. Discussion and possible action on 2021-2022 academic calendar
6. Accept Certification of Unopposed Candidates and Cancel May 1, 2021 Blackwell CISD School Board Election
7. Discussion and possible action on missed school day waivers
8. Finance Items
8.A. Current Billings Report
8.B. Current Cash Report
8.C. Consider necessary budget amendments
9. Personnel Items
9.A. Consider Contract of Elementary and Secondary Principal
9.B. Consider Contract of Athletic Director
9.C. Consider evaluation of Ag teacher, contract & salary for 2021-2022
9.D. Consider Salary Increases of Maint. Director, Supt. Secretary & Business Mgr.
10. Superintendent Report
10.A. Enrollment TTL - 167 HS - 52 JH - 27 Elem. - 88
10.B. Personnel resignation and hiring recommendations
11. Adjournment