December 4, 2024 at 12:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda | ||
1. Call To Order
Chair Willow Olson called the meeting to order at 12:00pm.
2. Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum
Roll call was done. Present in-person were: Willow Olson, Annie Weyiouanna, Irene Navarro, Jane Kava, and Stanley Tocktoo. Present online were: Aaron Iworrigan and Milton Cheemuk. Richard Elachik Sr. was excused. Called in to Executive Session: Silas Paniptchuk and Edward Jackson. Quorum of 7.
3. Introductions
3.A. District School Board Members
Board Members introduced themselves and the communities they serve.
3.B. Superintendent & District Staff
Superintendent Tammy Dodd and Kathy Commack were present.
3.C. Principal & Staff
Principal Craig Courbron introduced his staff: Counselor Emily Crysel, Athletic Director Christina Bracaleone.
3.D. Advisory Education Committee & Student Representative
AEC members present: Mark Miklahook and Patrick Reynolds. Student Representative Faith Kingeekuk was present.
4. Land Acknowledgement
BSSD acknowledges that we are meeting on the traditional lands of the Siberian Yupik people of Sivungaq.
BSSD honors the Indigenous people of the traditional lands where our 15 schools are located. The Bering Strait is the homeland of the Inupiat, Yup'ik, and Siberian Yupik people.
Student Representative Faith Kingkeekuk read the Land Acknowledgment.
5. Adoption of Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. AEC Comment (Action Input Only)
No AEC comment.
7. Executive Session - Personnel
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8. Action Item
8.A. REAA2 Section V, Seat J Board Member Appointment
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9. Adjournment
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