December 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Announcement by the Chairman that a quorum is present, and that the Notice of Meeting had been posted in the time and manner required.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Visitors
Public Forum: Affording members of the public to address the Board on issues not related to individual personnel concerns
Superintendent's Report
Report Trustees Training Hours TEC 11.159 and TAC 61, Subchapter A
Report on HQ Status of Instructional Personnel
Review Family and Community Engagement
Ms. Alderson would like to discuss the TASB meeting in January.
Approve Textbook Committees
Business Manager's Report
Facilities' Report
Mr. Braden will share the state of our current transportation and facilities needs.
Principal's Reports
Current state of Testing and CBAs.
Cafeteria Report
Action Items
Consider and Possible Action to Amend FDA Local regarding student transfers
Consider and Possible Action to Approve 2015 Audit Report.
Consider and Possible Action to acquire additional transportation equipment.
Consider and Possible Action to Approve Superintendent's Summative Evaluation (Closed Session)
Discuss Employment of Personnel (closed session)
Consent Agenda
Approve and/or correct minutes from the Regular Meeting on November 16, 2015.