April 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Announcement by the Chairman that a quorum is present, and that the Notice of Meeting had been posted in the time and manner required
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Visitors
Hearing of students, employees, and visitors
Student spotlight of the month
Legislative update
Finance, truancy, teacher pay
Support and intervention report
Business Manager
Finance report March 2015
March check register
Consider Superintendent goals for 2015-2016. (closed session)
Consider scrapping or selling bus 10 and D-3, depending on which option provides the best value to the district.
Consent Agenda
Consider minutes of the March regular board meeting.
Consider $2000 donation from Mustang Exploration
Consider 2015-2016 athletic insurance renewal
Call to Order
Announcement by the Chairman that a quorum is present, and that the Notice of Meeting had been posted in the time and manner required
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Visitors
Hearing of students, employees, and visitors
Consider Superintendent goals for 2015-2016. (closed session)