January 21, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Board President
2.A. Reorganization of the Board of Education
Board President
3. Consideration to Approve Agenda
Board President
4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board of Education Meetings
Board President
5. Opportunity for Audience
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting. Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote.
Lily - Mojo - tresurer for BPA - Supporting our chapter and all that you do. CTSO Career Techniccal - real world.
6. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS 1) Attendance Awards 2) CHS Student Recognition 3) Student Advisor 4) Superintendent's Report
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
Best Attendance - Secondary - PR Leyva
Elementary - Sunset Elementary Most improved attendance secondary - Alta Vista Intermediate School Most improved elementary - ECEC Mr. Daughtry - Congressional AP Challenge - Innovating Ap to assist Victims of Abuse. - names.......and teacher name. 3) Student Advisory did not attend. 4) Superintendent's Report - Dr. Washburn - Legislative Session, Enrollment, Vacancy Update. - review report. |
7.A.1. Authorization to pay bills, approve District Cash report, approve Budget Report for the previous month and accept donations as included within the agenda.
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
7.A.2. Budget Adjustments for the month of December 2024
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
7.A.3. Monthly Vendor Spend Reports
Crystal Gonzalez, Chief Procurement Officer
7.A.4. Quarterly Report - NM General Services Department (For Information only).
Crystal Gonzalez, Chief Procurement Officer
7.A.5. Approval of Carlsbad Municipal School Truancy Referral
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
7.A.5.a. Motion to approve Routine and Regular Business (ACTION)
Board President
7.B. Award RFP 2024-2025-04 Early Warning System (EWS) and Multi-Layered Systems of Support (MLSS) Implementation Plan (ACTION)
Crystal Gonzalez, Chief Procurement Officer
8.A. Overnight Travel to National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM - CIS PR Leyva Students (ACTION)
Steven Speyrer, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
9.A. Reaffirmation of Open Meetings Notice Resolution (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
9.B. Consideration of Letter of Intent to Purchase Land with Kestrel Housing (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
40 acres of land is between Kircher and West Rose Street. 150 apartment units - sliding fee scale is not a section 8 project. It is a workforce housing project.
Ms. Kim Lacey - Carlsbad Department of Development. The housing shortage is challenging in Carlsbad. Pro Active approach for Childcare. Addresses the urgent need of housing. Mr. Schinnerer - Mark - CEO at CARC - citizen of the community. Housing issue for over 10 years. Housing initiative, still not enough. DOD all apartments are basically today. Not high income and housing for employees is hard for them. Bringing housing into this town is so needed. Missing a market - Help the community to help the piece of the market to provide housing. Day care faculty - 100 children on the waiting list and willing to help provide childcare for children. Encourage to think favorably in partnering with this group to aid the Community. Clancey - Advocate Cherry & Mission; in the same area, if your neighborhood. Advocate against housing area. too packed. commercial- viable apartment complex. Day Care - priority to those that live in the apts then open to the public. Student Learning Center - first those that live in the aprts. Mr. Chavez - Support this project - middle income families including teachers and hopefully they will be included. Housing is definitely an issue for the Community. Kevin - Multiple Units 1.2. and 3 bedrooms. - Gerry - Artesia/Ruidoso - market study will determine how many bedrooms. Mr. Eddie Rodriguez - Carlsbad - affordable housing, sliding scale for income. Staff daycare, staff service industry. Pencil to paper study - HUD - 20/21 income; 1 per $51, 058, 4 preon $72,900.00 (median income). income rates will change based on the averages - (income levels would help the Community). offering several services, day care, student learning center. meeting room on site (safe). all put together will serve the District and the Community. Dr. Washburn - teachers, food service workers, IA's and in those job classes they will qualify. It could fall in those ranges. New teachers, the more housing we have will help with the rates decreasing. Current interest rates, can't buy a house. Clancey - trying to attract teachers that are at a higher rate. Emily - Gerry said not HUD, so they can still live there. - Possible to help provide housing for the City. The District does not loose any money. We make our money and we still have 20 acres to sell. Double our money on what we did. Opposed to putting a school in that location, found a different location. Good way for us to be a community partner. Plan was to sell this property to off set the cost of the new property we purchased. Clancey - should we sell property we received at a discount, instead of keeping it just in case we 1.2 million (donation) need it at a later date because of the increase in enrollment. Middle School that will be replace and we have a signatifact piece of land across the irrigation ditch which can be expanded. Figure what to do with JSS and Craft and eventually AV. It was recommended that we not place anything school related in the existing location because of the Zones and such. Property to the North of Ocotillo, and we maintain control of that belongs to BLM. We will not run out of places for educational needs. Maley's donation was greatly appreciated. they received a tax benefit for selling the propety. both benefited from the transaction. Possible appreciation of 4%. Interest rates are suppressing values. Project is continuing to be a good partner in the community. Clancey - out of our scope as school board members. and 7 1/2 years will take us to get our money back. 15 years if we sell the second half. Kestrel has 3 years to decide if they want the other 40 acres, we can sell the other part. Clancey - we are the bank for the next 7 years. Tiffany - opportunity for community partner; recoup money we spent. Clancey - available for 11 months why has the City not approached the Distirct to purchase the land? 240 units to 150 units - was changed? more oriented project. Asking the school board to sign on to a 15 year project that does not benefit our teachers. Funding the development of HUD Housing because we own the land. Tiffany - city - Clancey - list - sold and walk away from it. 7 1/2 to 15 years tired to it. We have no idea if we will need it or not. Financial incentive for the District. - Gerry - we have room to build a school on existing land. Middle schools are where we need to be. Awfully careful and designed and placed things to address growth going forward. Trent - limited to talk and information at the end. Driven by - yes; issue - learned a lot that not aware of. Property will ever be good for the reason of a school. big chunk of property. obligation to be a good partner, - good reason to be community oriented; location is not good for a school. promise to Maley's? conversation that it would be used for a school. If there is not a chance that a shool to go there. School is not there - nothing will fit criteria; housing project worth passing it. This might be a good action. Clancey - selling it to the City. Facility plan has no needs other than schools for the next 15 years. - Lawyer reviewed the terms, negotiated a similar type of lease with another Distirct. It is not out of the norm for the school district to do it. |
Board President
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by the Chair to dismiss to Executive Session by roll call to discuss limited Personnel Matters. The specific statute authorizing closing is NMSA 1--15-1 (H) (1) No action will be taken in Executive Session.