November 29, 2022 at 9:00 AM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Consideration to Approve Agenda
3. Opportunity for Audience
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting. Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote.
Bill Neimier
4.A. Resolution Authorizing the Participation in NMPSIA Offered Dental and Vision Plans (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Must meet and approve before December to allow employees to participate.
Benefit Plans -District participates in local - plans are paid 100% by employees for dental and vision. In place for many years. Opted for a wavier from NMPSIA Plans. -NMPSIA authority- NM Public school employee - Provide and insurance that public employees have access to - agent for all state agencies; offer benefits that are cost effective to those that are participating. 212 entities that are supported. All except dental and vision. Only one of two entities that do not participate. Analysis - employee cost options - sliding scale for - NEA - bringing a 20/80 percent split - (if approved by the legislature) contribution would be reduced to 20%. Provided detailed employee cost/employer cost. Many factors will adjust with salary changes. If legislative 80/20 approve all changes will be pending. All benefits are on a calendar year basis. co-pays and deductibles. Open enrollment/ or budget. Urgency - NMPSIA - January 1 effective date, take action and submit for December Board meeting so changes can take effect January 1. - Vision plans require a 2 year commitment. - Finishing our second year commitment with VSP. Insurance plans work calendar year based on deductibles and co pays. waiting periods ? - new employees have some waiting period; to certain services only. - seeking options. Open enrollment - survey - offered....requested additional information - dental and vision - those who requested and feedback was the cost of it. - Middle and lower level income are the ones that have a higher percent that do not participate - on the 80/20 only NMPSIA benefits are eligible for that 80/20 split. NMPSIA - resolution can be submitted. - deductible and copay starts again....severe costs idea behind the umbrella type plan tends to provide for greater coverage at a more reasonable expense. The benefit would be for the lower and middle wage earners. NMPSIA - regulated. - basic structure of what has been offered has not changed. NMPSIA has the authority under the rule. stay where we are NMPSIA have to go with us on Dental? go with delta and keep vision coverage the way it is? move to both? The savings for employees may not be enough if those providers are not available. Regulatory oversight based on information gathered regardless of what option taken. Bill Neimier - History - opted out - if we shift back give up control on choice of providers. Delta and VSP for the next 17 years. They go out for RFP regularly - 5 years, 8 years, we won't have control as to which provider will be. We can only hope that we will have those providers here in Carlsbad. NMPSI will choose for the entire state and will go with the best cost effective. Rates have only increased twice in the last 17 years. Decisions are made based on the district. VSP was the only one accepted at one time here in Carlsbad. The timing of the meeting, on behalf of NEA President and past president. They do not want to do this individually by themselves. Emails have been sent to Board Members. Made some corrections on some of the pages that were presented. NMPSIA - not a good idea and stay 100% employee paid as per Bill. |