February 14, 2022 at 12:00 PM - Regular Meeting of Trustees
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Call to order - Board President
I.B. Establishment of quorum
I.C. Open forum
II. Closed Session
II.A. Evaluate the principals and athletic director
III. Action Items
III.A. Approve minutes of January 10, 2022 regular meeting
III.B. Order Wellington ISD General Trustee Election - set dates, locations and judges for election and early voting
IV. Review Items
IV.A. State Comptroller Property Value Study
V. Discussion Items
V.A. Discuss date for March board meeting
V.B. E-3
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
VI.A.1. Extend principal and athletic director contracts
VI.A.2. Nursing Grant
VI.A.3. Health Grant
VI.A.4. Resignation
VI.B. Principal's Report
VI.B.1. Science Club field trip to Stafford Air & Space Museum in Weatherford - 1/22
VI.B.2. Three-week grade check - 1/21
VI.B.3. JH NWEA testing
VI.B.4. JH wrapped up basketball season along with the 6th grade concession stand
VI.B.5. TELPAS calibrations, training and testing begins
VI.B.6. STAAR training - 2/14
VI.B.7. JH dance with spaghetti dinner - 2/14
VI.B.8. 5th six weeks begins - 2/14
VI.B.9. Training for track season is underway
VI.B.10. WHS STAAR training - 2/2
VI.B.11. Senior level Health Science, CNA skills test in Amarillo - 2/9
VI.B.12. WTAMU representatives meet with seniors @ Noon - 2/9
VI.B.13. End of 4th six-weeks - 2/11
VI.B.14. Beginning of 5th six-weeks - 2/14
VI.B.15. All sophomores take English II field test - 2/16
VI.B.16. School holiday - 2/21
VI.B.17. HS TELPAS Reading - 2/22
VI.B.18. HS TELPAS Listening and Speaking - 2/23
VI.B.19. Ring ceremony at noon - 2/25
VI.B.20. CNA written exam for senior Health Science students - 2/28
VI.B.21. District OAP in Panhandle - 3/2
VI.B.22. Three-week grade check - 3/4
VI.B.23. UIL Concert/Sight Reading contest in Panhandle - 3/8
VI.B.24. Bi-District OAP in Wellington at the Ritz Theater - 3/9
VI.B.25. Early dismissal at Noon - 3/11
VI.C. Athletic Directors Report
VII. Adjourn