February 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Meeting Overview 2-22-21
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Open Forum/Communications/Acknowledgements
5.A. Approve the minutes of the prior meeting(s): 1-18-21
Approve the minute of the prior meeting(s): 1-29-21 |
5.B. February Enrollment 2021
5.C. Construction Update
5.D. Texas Academic Performance Report Presentation
6.A. Consideration and possible approval of the 2021-2022 school calendar.
6.B. Consideration and possible approval of Missed School Day Waiver due to inclement weather including below-freezing temperatures, rolling power outages, icy roads, and lack of access to basic needs such as water. TEC §48.005
7.A. Consideration and possible action on approval of the Investment/Financial Report through January 2021.
7.B. Consideration and possible action on approval of budget amendments.
7.C. Consideration and possible action on approval of the proposed attendance zones for PISD elementary schools for the 2021-22 school year.
7.D. Consideration and possible action regarding potential future school sites, the purchasing of land and site-related infrastructure costs, and the naming of future facilities.* (551.072)
7.E. Consideration and possible action on the approval of a resolution authorizing the Superintendent or designee to make emergency procurements reasonably necessary to respond to the inclement weather disaster issues.
8.A. Consideration and possible action on approval of any professional /contract personnel to be employed including but not limited to campus and district leadership positions and status of current professional personnel.* (551.074)
8.B. Consideration and possible action on approval of resignations received.* (551.074)
8.C. Consideration and possible action on the contract for the superintendent for 2021-2022
8.D. Consideration and possible action on the Prosper Independent School District Resolution for Inclement Weather
9.A. Important Dates:
Spring Break March 8-12 March 15, 2021 Regular School Board Meeting 7:00 PM April 1, 2021 LAST day to REGISTER TO VOTE May 1, 2021 School Board Election for Place 4 and 7 |