September 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Prayer
III. Open Forum
IV. Consent Items
IV.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
IV.B. Approve Bills
IV.C. Set date for the regular October 2023 meeting
V. Action Items
V.A. (2401) Discussion and consideration of Policy Update 121
V.B. (2402) Discussion and consideration of Depository Contract
VI. Executive Session (Closed)
Take action, if any, as a result of executive session (Open Session) |
VII. Discussion
VII.A. Principal's Report, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. White
VII.B. Superintendent's Report, Dr. Palmer
VII.C. School Board Convention Plans September 29 - October 1
VII.D. Parent Request: Max Mendieta
VIII. Adjourn