January 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Public Meeting to Review O'Donnell ISD's 2021-2022 FIRST Report
III. Prayer
IV. Open Forum
V. Consent Items
V.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
V.B. Approve Bills
V.B.1. C. Set date for regular February 2023 meeting
VI. Action Items
VI.A. (2330) Discussion and possible action to order the Regular Board Election to be held on Saturday, May 6, 2023.
VI.B. (2323) Consider and approve Budget Amendments
VI.C. (2324) Discussion and consideration of superintendent's 2022-23 Appraisal Instruments
VI.D. (2325) Discussion and consideration of accepting donated land for the building of a future softball / baseball complex.
VI.E. (2326) Discussion and consideration of the 2022-2023 Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) for O'Donnell ISD.
VI.F. (2327) Discussion and consideration of Board Training hours and plans for future training action plan. .
VI.G. (2328) Discussion and consideration of the OISD Investment Policy and appointment of Melissa Clark and Cathy Palmer as investment officers.
VI.H. (2329) Discussion and consideration of the quarterly investment report.
VI.I. (2331) Discussion and consideration of the O'Donnell ISD Financial Audit for the 2021-2021 school year.
VII. Executive Session (Closed)
Take action, if any, as a result of executive session (Open Session) |
VIII. Discussion
VIII.A. Principal's Report, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. White
VIII.B. Superintendent's Report, Dr. Palmer
2022-2023 School Calendar Safety Update Special Education - SSA Agreement
2022-2023 School Calendar
Safety Update Special Education SSA Agreement |
IX. Adjourn