September 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Establish that a quorum is present
3. Open Forum
4. Approve the minutes of the August 16, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
5. Budget Report
6. Investment Report
7. Discuss and possible action on Resolution to adopt a tax rate of $0.9603 for Maintenance and Operations and $0.10 for Interest and Sinking for a total tax rate of $1.0603
8. Discuss and act to approve Fifth Amended Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with the City of Quinlan to meet requirements for Texas Parks & Wildlife matching grant application
9. Discuss and act on Remote Homebound Instructional Waiver
10. Discuss and act to Purchase Chromebooks from CTL
11. Presentation of Safety & Security Report
12. Discuss and act on District and Campus Improvement Plans
13. Presentation of 2020-2021 Accountability Ratings
14. Discuss and act to adopt HB3 Board Goals
15. Consider and act on Tax Resale Deeds #50951 and #50955 for the bid amount of $2700.00
16. Superintendent's Report
17. Executive Session
(Closed Session, TX Govt. Codes 551.071 & 551.074 et seq.) |
17.A. Faculty Hires
17.B. Faculty Resignations
18. Discuss and act on 17A
19. Adjourn