June 17, 2019 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1. Agenda
2.2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Guests
4. Financial Reports
4.1. Treasurer
4.2. Claims
4.3. Activity
5. Action Items
5.1. Discuss, consider, and approve waiving first and second reading, and approve changes to Board Manual Policy #'s 1120, 3130,3131, 4030, 5001, 5012, 5101, 5103, 5104, 5305, 6211, 6410, 8151, 8153.
5.2. Discuss, consider, and take action upon approval of the concrete bid for the new ITE/Ag building outside from OK Concrete. ($18,900)
5.3. Discuss, consider, and take action upon approval of the bid for work on window, window well, and window well ladder in SPED room for Fire Code from Mcquay Construction ($2,355).
5.4. Discuss, consider, and take action upon approving Superintendent Evaluation for the 2018-19 school year.
5.5. Discuss, consider, and make a motion to approve Business Manager's Salary for 2019-20 school year.
5.6. Consideration and approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by the District of its Limited Tax Obligation School Bonds, Series 2019, in a principal amount not to exceed $830,000 to finance the costs of abating actual or potential environmental hazards, accessibility barriers, life safety code violations, life safety hazards, or mold within and/or on existing school buildings and real property, and related matters.
5.7. Discuss, consider and take action upon approval of a cooperative agreement with Creighton Community schools for the position of school nurse for the 2019-20 school year (Connie Bloomquist).
5.8. Discuss, consider and take action upon approval of a cooperative agreement with Bloomfield Community schools for the position of spanish instructor for the 2019-20 school year (Amanda Rojas).
5.9. Discuss, Consider, and approve Lunch Prices for the 2019-20 School Year.
6. Reports
6.1. Superintendent
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Discuss and Review Policy #5415 Student Bullying Policy
7.2. Discuss Osmond Community School's Invitation to share Ag/FFA Program.
8. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
9. Dates of Future Board Meetings
10. Adjourn