October 15, 2020 at 8:30 AM - Virtual Standing Committees/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair
II. Prayer
Pastor Dr. Joe Ratliff
III. Roll Call
IV. Open Forum
V. Conflict of Interest Statement
VI. Board Business
VI.A. Oath of Office administered to Student Regent Joseph R. Johnson
Action Requested: Information
VI.D. Chairman's Comments
VII. Administration and Finance
Presenters: Regent Albert H. Myres & Ms. Anita L. Lockridge Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance/CFO |
VII.A. Purchase of Wi-Fi and Network Equipment from StackLynk LLC
Action Requested: Approval
VII.B. Contract with Nexus Disposal, LLC for Waste Disposal Services
Action Requested: Approval
VII.C. Purchase of Building Cabling and Installation Services from Triumph Cabling
Action Requested: Approval
VII.D. Purchase of Uninterrupted Power Supplies from GTS Technology Solutions
Action Requested: Approval
VII.E. Contract with CORE Higher Education Group for Experiential Management Software
Action Requested: Approval
VII.F. Contract with The Look Enterprises Inc., Tricom, and Facilities Integrated Solutions & Consulting, LLC for Custodial Services
Action Requested: Approval
VII.G. Contract with TECHKnowledge Consulting Corp. for IT Project Management Services
Action Requested: Approval
VII.H. Purchase Hosted Oracle Subscription Access License through Ellucian
Action Requested: Approval
VII.I. Contract with Right Now Termite & Pest Control for Pest Control Services
Action Requested: Approval
VII.J. Acquisition of Domestic Student Full Benefit Plan
Action Requested: Approval
VII.K. Emergency Purchase of Student Computer Equipment from Lyncverse Technologies
Action Requested: Information
VII.L. Emergency Purchase of Student Hotspot Internet Service from Verizon
Action Requested: Information
VII.M. Second Contract Amendment with Michelle Rahman for Consulting Services
Action Requested: Information
VII.N. Update on Legal Management System - Precision Task Group
Action Requested: Information
VII.O. Endowment Performance (August 31, 2020)
Action Requested: Information
VIII. Academic Affairs, Research and Student Life
Presenters: Regent Pamela A. Medina & Dr. Kendall T. Harris, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research |
VIII.B. American Bar Association (ABA) Report Out
Action Requested: Information
IX. Development & Legislative Affairs
Presenters: Regent Albert H. Myres & Ms. Melinda Spaulding, Vice President for University Advancement |
X. Personnel and Litigation
Presenters: Regent Marc C. Carter & Mr. Hao P. Le, General Counsel |
X.A. Request to Consider an Appeal of Employment Decision
Action Requested: Approval
X.B. Request Authorization to Negotiate and Execute a Contract for Organizational Change Management
Action Requested: Approval
XI. Physical Facilities
Presenters: Regent Wesley G. Terrell & Ms. Anita L. Lockridge, Interim Vice President of Administration and Finance/CFO |
XI.A. Contract with PBK Architect for Design, Specifications and Contract Administration of Deferred Maintenance in the Thermal Plants and Steam Tunnels as well as Negotiate and Execute Contracts to Perform the Project Work
Action Requested: Approval
XI.B. Contract with CMC Development & Construction LLC for Renovation Services
Action Requested: Approval
XI.C. Contract with Nash Industries, Inc. To Perform Repair Work in the Jesse H. Jones Building
Action Requested: Approval
XI.D. Request Authorization to Negotiate and Execute Contracts for Capital Expenditure Plan
Action Requested: Approval
XII. Audit
Presenters: Regent Marilyn A. Rose & Ms. Charla Parker-Thompson, Chief Audit Executive |
XIII. Athletics
Presenters: Regent Albert H. Myres & Mr. Kevin Granger, Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics |
XIII.A. No Agenda Items
XV. Executive Session
Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair
XV.A. Texas Government Code - Section 551.071 - Consultation with University Attorney(s).
XV.B. Texas Government Code - Section 551.072 - Deliberations concerning Purchase, Lease or Value of Real Property.
XV.C. Texas Government Code - Section 551.073 - Deliberations about Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations.
XV.D. Texas Government Code - Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, including Appointment, Evaluation or Dismissal of Personnel.
XVI. Reconvene in Open Session to Consider Action on Executive Session Items as Necessary
XVII. Adjourn