June 24, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Planning Commission
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Previous Minutes
Minutes from Planning Commission meeting, June 10th, 2024.
IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
V. Communications
VI. Public Comment
VII. 10101 N Saginaw - Additional Storage Building
Smith & Spooner, LLC had an approved 2 phase site plan in 2019, that was valid for 3 years. Due to Covid restrictions and cost circumstances, it was unable to be finished in that time frame. They're presenting the same site plan and requesting the time to complete the 5th and final building, which was the only one not finished within the time frame.
VIII. Rezone Request 18-17-300-010
Joe Gadany is requesting a Zoning change from RMC (Multiple family conduminiums) to Commercial (C-2), at Parcel # 18-17-300-010 for the purpose of an event barn in the future.
IX. 4215 W Vienna Rd- Proposed Car Wash
Stonefield Engineering & Design, LLC has submitted a Site Plan and Special Land Use application for a proposed Car Wash to be located at 4215 W Vienna, which is on the south side of the road and currently houses Studio 57.
X. Old Business
XI. Adjournment