October 26, 2021 at 11:30 AM - School Advisory Council (SHAC) Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome and Introductions
3. Public Comments
Members of the public who wish to make a public statement to the SHAC at this meeting may do so by completing a Citizen Comment Card (available at the door) and returning it to the Meeting Secretary before the public comments portion of the meeting has concluded or fifteen minutes after the start of the meeting, whichever is earlier. |
3.A. Please address your comments to the SHAC and limit your comments to a minimum of one minute and a maximum of three minutes as determined by the presiding officer.
3.B. Comments pertaining to individual personnel or individual student problems are not permitted.
3.C. Members of the public that wish to address the SHAC may not delegate or designate their minutes to another patron in attendance.
3.D. Please recognize that under the Texas Open Meetings Act, the SHAC may not act at this meeting on a matter not listed on the public notice for this meeting.
4. COVID-19 Update
5. Legislative Update Impacting SHAC
6. Review Cycle of Health Revisions and SHAC Responsibilities
7. SHAC Recommends Number of Minutes Per Grade for Health Instruction
8. Follow-up Assignments Before the Next Meeting
9. Adjournment