May 21, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Announcement by the President whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. |
2. First Order of Business
2.A. Invocation
2.B. U.S. Pledge of Allegiance
2.C. Texas Pledge of Allegiance
3. Student Recognitions
3.A. Academic Decathlon Team
3.B. Gymnastics Medalist
3.C. HPHS Texas Math and Science Coaches Association (TMSCA)
3.D. Lady Scots Soccer
3.E. MIS/HPMS Texas Math and Science Coaches Association (TMSCA)
3.F. Tennis Medalists
3.G. The Highlander Yearbook Staff
3.H. UIL Math Team
3.I. UIL Science Team
4. Recess and Reconvene in 5/6 Assembly Room
5. School Board Election Held on May 4, 2019
5.A. Canvassing May 4, 2019 School Board Election
5.B. Administration of Oath of Office
5.B.1) Kelly Walker, Place 3
5.B.2) Jae Ellis, Place 4
5.B.3) Edward Herring, Place 5
6. Board of Trustees Reorganization
6.A. Election of Board of Trustees Officers
6.B. Election of Trustees to Serve as TASB Delegate and Alternate
7. Public Comments
Members of the public who wish to make a public statement to the HPISD School Board at this meeting may do so by completing a Citizen Comment Card (available at the door) and returning it to the Meeting Secretary prior to the commencement of the meeting to reserve speaking time. |
7.A. Please address your comments to the Board and limit your comments to three minutes.
7.B. Comments pertaining to individual personnel or individual student problems are not permitted.
7.C. Please recognize that under the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Board may not act at this meeting on a matter not listed on the public notice for this meeting. If members of the public have questions or private comments for the Board, please contact any of them at their homes or offices by telephone or in person immediately after the meeting. The Board invites public inquiries and suggestions.
8. Board Announcements and Committee Reports
9. Superintendent's Report
10. Consent Agenda
10.A. Asbestos Abatement for Demolition and Remodel at Highland Park High School
10.B. Asbestos Abatement for Demolition and Rebuild at Robert S. Hyer Elementary School
10.C. Authorization for Updating Banking Signatories
10.D. Bank Depository Contract Extension
10.E. Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2019
10.F. Capital Improvement for Armstrong Elementary - Playground
10.G. Capital Improvement for Armstrong Elementary - Play Surface
10.H. Capital Improvement for Bradfield Elementary - Bulletin Boards
10.I. Capital Improvement for Bradfield Elementary - Foyer
10.J. Capital Improvement for Bradfield Elementary - Playground
10.K. Capital Improvement for Bradfield Elementary - Sport Court
10.L. Capital Improvement for Bradfield Elementary - Water Line
10.M. Capital Improvement for UP Elementary - Playground
10.N. Consider Approval of Interlocal Contract Between Highland Park Independent School District and the City of University Park for Dark Fiber Network and Access to HPISD's Surveillance System
10.O. Consider Approval of Interlocal Contract between Highland Park Independent School District and the Town of Highland Park for Dark Fiber Network and Access to HPISD's Surveillance System
10.P. Consider Approval of Interlocal Agreement between Highland Park Independent School District and the Town of Highland Park for the Purchase of Goods and Services from Vendors Selected through the Competitive Bidding Process
10.Q. Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas Interlocal Participation Agreement
10.R. Gifts for May 2019
10.R.1) Gift Summary for May 2019
10.R.2) Acceptance of Gifts
10.R.2)A) Highland Park Independent School District
10.R.2)A)(1) Highland Park Education Foundation
10.R.2)B) John S. Armstrong Elementary School
10.R.2)B)(1) Armstrong PTA
10.R.2)B)(2) Armstrong PTA
10.R.2)B)(3) Armstrong Dads Club
10.R.2)C) John S. Bradfield Elementary School
10.R.2)C)(1) Bradfield PTA
10.R.2)D) University Park Elementary School
10.R.2)D)(1) UP PTA
10.R.2)D)(2) UP PTA
10.R.3) Reported Gifts
10.R.3)A) Highland Park ISD
10.R.3)A)(1) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Turnbull
10.R.3)B) Highland Park ISD - Moody Innovation Institute
10.R.3)B)(1) Highland Park Education Foundation
10.R.3)B)(2) Michaels
10.R.3)B)(3) HPArts
10.R.3)C) John S. Armstrong Elementary
10.R.3)C)(1) Park Cities Learning Disabilities Association
10.R.3)D) John S. Bradfield Elementary School School Cafeteria
10.R.3)D)(1) Highland Park Bradfield School Cafeteria PTA
10.R.3)E) McCulloch Intermediate School/Highland Park Middle School
10.R.3)E)(1) Park Cities Learning Disabilities Association
10.R.3)E)(2) MIS/HPMS Dad's Club
10.R.3)F) Highland Park High School
10.R.3)F)(1) McCord and Waverly Wilson
10.R.3)F)(2) Darby and Jennifer Doan
10.R.3)F)(3) Richard Roberts
10.R.3)F)(4) George and Gretchen Seay
10.R.3)F)(5) Kelly Waterman
10.R.3)F)(6) Lane Jones
10.R.3)F)(7) Teresa Acker
10.R.3)F)(8) Jene Flood
10.S. Human Resources Report
10.T. Human Resources Addendum
10.U. Minutes of the HPISD Board of Trustees Called Meeting Held on April 2, 2019
10.V. Minutes of the HPISD Board of Trustees Workshop Held on April 2, 2019
10.W. Minutes of the HPISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Held on April 16, 2019
10.X. TASB Localized Policy Update 112
10.X.1) Added policy - Second of Two Required Readings
10.X.1)A) CCGA (LOCAL): AD VALOREM TAXES - EXEMPTIONS AND PAYMENTS - Second of Two Required Readings
11. Receive Facilities Update
12. Reports
12.A. Financial Reports
12.A.1) For the Accounting Period Ended February 28, 2019 - Unaudited
12.A.2) For the Accounting Period Ended March 31, 2019 - Unaudited
12.B. HPHS GPA Committee Annual Report
12.C. Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) Report
13. Closed Session
13.A. For consultation with attorney, pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071;
13.B. For discussion of the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.072;
13.C. For discussion of the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of an employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an employee, pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.074;
13.D. For discussion of the contract for the superintendent of schools, pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.074;
13.E. For deliberation of the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices; or a security audit, pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.076;
13.F. For deliberation in closed session to avoid revealing personally identifiable information about a student, pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.0821; and
13.G. For deliberation in a case involving discipline of a public school child or in which a complaint or charge is brought against a school district employee, pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.082.
14. Reconvene in Open Session
15. Adjournment