August 31, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Special Called Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge
4. Approve Consent Agenda Items
5. Approve Agenda
6. Dr. John Strycker, Superintendent of Education
6.A. Approve Request of Superintendent to Approve Administrative Leave, with pay, to All employees for Emergency Closure Day and to Waive the 180 school day requirement due to Hurricane Marco
6.B. Approve Changes to Acceptable Use Poilicy IJ-R
6.C. Approve the Distance Learning Plan Application and Supporting Documentation for Submission to MDE
6.D. Approve Matching Grant Application for ECHS
6.E. Approve WGUD-TV 51 Proposal to Live-Stream ECHS Football Games
7. Executive Session TBD